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AB Lemur Bundle

Posted: 31 Jan 2012 20:04
by Phil999
first of all, thank you very much for these templates, and thanks to the Reaktor Ensemble builders. This is very interesting for an old fashioned electronic musician that is used to turn knobs and move faders, and patching modules with wires.

This is a new way of creating electronic music, and a new way of controlling those weird Reaktor Ensembles. Maybe there is someone that could give some explanations to them. It is sometimes a bit difficult to control a synth that you haven't created yourself. I did a couple of synths with SynthEdit and Reaktor, and nobody but me can really use them to its full potential. Now I find myself in the situation of the average user that doesn't know exactly what to do with it.

Especially the SpaceDroneMOD template. I try to move the points, but they are locked. I try to unlock them with the buttons, but almost without effect. A little bit of explanation would be very welcome!

Again, many thanks to the creators of these wonderful Ensembles and Lemur templates. This is great and very generous, I appreciate that very much. Now I'm really happy. What a brilliant Ensemble this is. Incredible. Superb. Awesome.

EDIT: aahh, finally! In the SpaceDroneMOD template, one has to tap the A or B field so that a grey square appears next to the EDIT field, then the balls are unlocked.

Re: AB Lemur Bundle

Posted: 31 Jan 2012 20:38
by Phil999
editing posts seems no more possible, so I just write a reply.

What a beautiful Ensemble, this SpaceDroneMOD. Awesome. I would like to use the Mutate function of the Lemur template. How do you do that? When I edit A, I tap the Copy field, and then the Paste field. Then I tap B, and do the same. This is wrong, but how do you do it right? I also tried to paste into a Snap. What are they for anyway? How do you use them?

You see, I want to know everything. I don't want to show this to my musician friends and then say "I don't know exactly how it works, but it's cool". I want to know 100%, and I want to be able to use it in a musical context, knowing beforehand what will happen. Or at least know in what direction the sound will go. :D

EDIT: it appears as if this Reaktor Ensemble is locked, you can't edit it. I don't want to, but I want to check if the A-B morph (mouse area) is assigned to /bpMutate/x and /bpMutate/y or not. It looks like it is not. How can you change that?

EDIT: ah, I see that most of the Ensemble are mouse areas. So it's how to assign OSC messages to each mouse area. This I don't know yet, but wanted to know since some time. Never mind, I'll find out some time.

Re: AB Lemur Bundle

Posted: 31 Jan 2012 21:08
by lABl
Hi Phil,

Thank you, great you like it.

I would recommend you to check this spacedrone MOD video (if you have not already) some controls has changed theirs positions on iPad template, but it works basically the same, all sounds are produced by spacedrone MOD interacting from lemur.

Also, don't forget to turn on Reaktor hints on reaktor, mac (cmd + i) windows (ctl +i), that should to return descriptive info if you pass the mouse over the control.
I would like to use the Mutate function of the Lemur template. How do you do that? When I edit A, I tap the Copy field, and then the Paste field. Then I tap B, and do the same. This is wrong, but how do you do it right? I also tried to paste into a Snap. What are they for anyway? How do you use them?
This is pretty simple:

- Press A Preset button,
- Edit your settings, once you have your settings for A preset.
- Press B Preset button,
- Edit your settings, if you paste the same settings morph doesn't will work, they need to be differents from Preset A.

You're ready to use XY Morph ;)

Addtional info about morph :

X = Morphs [SYNTHESIS] seetings only
Y = Morphs [SPACE] settings only.

Remember you can use HOLD XY axis here, so like mass-spring mode to morph settings.

Copy/Paste operations are there for instance, if you have some settings stored in A and you would like to create a subtle variation for that sound, press A, then Copy , and Paste that in B slot, now create subtle modifications and morphs.
You see, I want to know everything. I don't want to show this to my musician friends and then say "I don't know exactly how it works, but it's cool". I want to know 100%, and I want to be able to use it in a musical context, knowing beforehand what will happen. Or at least know in what direction the sound will go.
hehe no problem, the video should to help ;) Just please consider I am not selling any template, just sharing them, I've spent hours, days, months! working on them, I've tried several times to write manuals, but as I said in other posts I am unable to write good manual in english, really sorry , I would like to do without doubt. ;) In any case, if I can help I will be more than happy to do that.


Re: AB Lemur Bundle

Posted: 31 Jan 2012 21:34
by lABl
By the way, good video from Liine settings OSC with reaktor here:


Re: AB Lemur Bundle

Posted: 31 Jan 2012 22:04
by Phil999
lAntonioBlancal wrote:Hi Phil,

Thank you, great you like it.

I would recommend you to check this spacedrone MOD video (if you have not already) some controls has changed theirs positions on iPad template, but it works basically the same, all sounds are produced by spacedrone MOD interacting from lemur.
no I didn't know that one. I'm downloading it now at 720p and will study it in detail.
lAntonioBlancal wrote: Also, don't forget to turn on Reaktor hints on reaktor, mac (cmd + i) windows (ctl +i), that should to return descriptive info if you pass the mouse over the control.
good advice. I have Reaktor on a touchscreen monitor, without a mouse, so I missed that feature entirely.
lAntonioBlancal wrote: This is pretty simple:

- Press A Preset button,
- Edit your settings, once you have your settings for A preset.
- Press B Preset button,
- Edit your settings, if you paste the same settings morph doesn't will work, they need to be differents from Preset A.

You're ready to use XY Morph ;)
I still seem to do something wrong. I did that many times, and now did it again. Nothing happens. I thought it should be pretty simple, but now I suspect there is something wrong with the template, maybe a download error. I will download again and try again. Besides, there are several things that don't work: musical scale, fund, offset, root, all physics. It must be a faulty download.
lAntonioBlancal wrote: Just please consider I am not selling any template, just sharing them, I've spent hours, days, months! working on them
I do consider that, indeed this is enormously generous from you. I didn't expect a reply from you, the questions were directed to the forum members. Big thanks for your effort and time. I hope I can contribute some day as you do, but 4 weeks with iPad and Lemur is definitely not enough! And half of the time went by for figuring out a stable and reproducible wireless connection. Maybe in a year.

Re: AB Lemur Bundle

Posted: 31 Jan 2012 22:22
by lABl
Hi Phil,

No problem,

seems like there is not bi-directional connection, by moving any control on reaktor instrument updates the control in lemur?

Let me know,

Re: AB Lemur Bundle

Posted: 31 Jan 2012 22:49
by Phil999
yep, no bi-directional control. I entered the iPad's IP-address and port 10000 (later I tried 10001 like in Konkreet Performer), but still Lemur doesn't respond to parameter changes done in Reaktor. But this is a Reaktor problem, I'll figure it out tonight.

Actually, I was not aware that OSC and Reaktor are bi-directional. Also the other AB Lemur Bundle don't reflect parameter changes done in Reaktor, and I thought that's too bad, it would be nice to have feedback.

Looking forward to the real fun when this little problem is solved.

EDIT: got it. The return port is 8000. Aaahh, this is really, really ... don't know what to say. This is grand.

About physics, I always set the slider to zero when I wanted zero friction. But it's the other way around, one has to set the slider to maximum to get zero friction. Everything works as desired, the morph, the physics, everything. Man I'm happy, happier than I was before.

After having found a nice sound with SpaceDroneMOD, I can switch to the Animoog app and use the same musical scale and root as in SpaceDroneMOD, and it fits perfectly. I admit I never expected such possibilities when I bought the iPad. This is expanding the musical expression. Such music was possible with modular systems and polyphonic synthesisers, but it was quite a bit of work and mostly with the help of multitrack tape recorders. Now I can do this with a laptop, an audio interface, and an iPad. Live. I'm in heaven.

Re: AB Lemur Bundle

Posted: 01 Feb 2012 09:50
by lABl
Hi Phil,

Glad to hear you got it working, yes, listen OSC Port is 8000, liine tutorial is very well explained step by step.

Having them working bi-directional is basic to get all working fine, because some processes are programmed directly in reaktor where the lemur need to receive data and then to process it.
About physics, I always set the slider to zero when I wanted zero friction. But it's the other way around, one has to set the slider to maximum to get zero friction.
Yes, that is the way I use to control friction in my templates, personally I see it more intuitive graphically, I mean, I would translate it as : Fader = 0 (No ball bouncing) fader = 1 (bouncing all time). a little matter of taste, I guess.

Cheers and have fun ;)

Re: AB Lemur Bundle

Posted: 01 Feb 2012 10:51
by Phil999
lAntonioBlancal wrote: Having them working bi-directional is basic to get all working fine, because some processes are programmed directly in reaktor where the lemur need to receive data and then to process it.
that is interesting. I will analyse this further later on.

I did not use Reaktor much I must admit, but this has definitely changed now. Bi-directional OSC control is probably the best way to interact with music software.

Re: AB Lemur Bundle

Posted: 01 Feb 2012 13:23
by biologik
If only OSC was supported in the VST version... and in Ableton Live.
Hopefully they'll update this! To be honest, the lack of OSC support in Live combined with no 64bit version is infuriating! :evil: