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How can I find OSC incoming and outgoing port# of the Lemur?

Posted: 05 Jan 2012 17:51
by jjlemur
Hi users,

I am pretty much new to lemur. So I am not sure this question makes sense...
I am trying to control a sound control software (Meyer's Cue Station) from the lemur on my iPod with OSC command. Does anybody know the port no. for Incoming and outgoing which the lemur uses?

The fader on the lemur followed the fader on the cue station. But the other way doesn't work so far. I do know the IP of the OSC device but port number.

Any advice, help would be appreciated.

Thank you,


Re: How can I find OSC incoming and outgoing port# of the Le

Posted: 11 Jan 2012 21:42
by jlys
hi, i don't know if it's your solution but you can set the port you want in lemur's settings. OSC targets>add target and then you choose your host IP and the port to communicate with.