Sean in ASEAN

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Joined: 30 Jan 2025 00:46
Location: Bang Saen, Thailand

Sean in ASEAN

Post by garbagetruckdriver »

Greetings all. So happy to see MIDI Kinetics and Lemur back in action as like many of you, I have 8+ years invested into Composer Tools templates, C Brains and MK Transport for studio automation/control. I've tried moving that workflow to some other solutions but nothing does the job like MIDI Kinetics.

I'm a Steinberg Beta Tester (have been for over a decade now) and am keeping a close eye on the deprecation of the Generic Remote as Steiny transitions to their API solution.

For close to 30 years I have wanted to move to this little beach town south of Bangkok... 30 years ago I drove past a comically misspelled sign "Bang Sean" and thought how hilarious it would be to live there. Well now I do. It's actually called Bang Saen, but that same misspelled sign is still up!

The recent move means building a new studio, and this time I decided to do it right. I commissioned a John H Brandt design, and a local contractor and I are building it now. It's taking three times as long as I thought it would, but I'm done with internet-expert acoustic guesswork and best-effort results. So, the studio gear is still packed up and all I have is a laptop, headphones and an RME interface for now, thus I am eager to read how you all are going until I can get operational again.

Sean in Bang Sean/Bang Saen/whatever, Thailand
Studio is running Cubase/Nuendo/Wavelab on two Hackintoshes linked with VEPro 7 over Gig Eth.
Composer Tools Pro, C Brains and MK Transport on two iPads for remote automation and control
of VEPro Hosted Virtual Instruments and templates.
Posts: 934
Joined: 11 Jan 2012 01:53

Re: Sean in ASEAN

Post by Phil999 »

welcome Sean.

Yes, the Generic Remote in Cubase. This was also my good friend with Lemur. At that time, 2012, probably the only, or at least the best method for bi-directional MIDI control of DAW and plugins.

I still use Generic Remote device for Aalto and Kaivo (both are softsynths from Madrona Labs), because they don't work well with the new MIDI Remote device. The switches don't get recognised.

I think we will have a good time here in this forum.
Formant+Eurorack, PPG wave 2.2, Korg MS-20, etc., EWI 4000s, QuNeo, etc., Mixbus32c, u-he, MadronaLabs, Samplemodeling, NI, etc., iPad2/4/Pro
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