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Setting up a button to send note on and program change

Posted: 06 Sep 2016 10:52
by Tim Dorney

I'm a newb here so excuse my ignorance.

I use Lemur to control Ableton Live in arrange mode and have buttons set up in Lemur to jump to song markers using note on info. I'd like to have the same button send program change info to Mainstage, unfortunately Live doesn't recognise PC changes when midi mapping, only CC or note and Mainstage only responds to PC changes. Any idea how I'd go about this? Could I link two buttons to do the job and have one set of buttons on another screen (or even the same screen but tiny!)? If anyone could post link a project showing how to do it I'd be most grateful.



Re: Setting up a button to send note on and program change

Posted: 12 Sep 2016 03:32
by phase_change
Hey there,

I'm not sure what Mainstage is, but if I understand your problem, there are a few ways to do what you're trying to do.

You could have two buttons and trigger the second with a script when the first is triggered. The script would basically be

Code: Select all

if yourbuttonname.x==1 then x=1; else if yourbuttonname.x==0 then x=0;
and put the script under the second button.

You could also use a custom midi message for one button, but you won't be able to have bidirectional control. If that doesn't matter, I would think this is the better solution.

This template has an example of both. Default is the two button solution. Default 2 is the one button solution. If you go with two buttons, you can hide the button behind a container or something so it's out of the way.

Hope this helps,
