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I can send MIDI from Lemur --> Reaper, but not vice versa.

Posted: 02 May 2015 19:03
by ishaan
I cannot get bidirectional MIDI control working in my setup, and it's driving me nuts. I'm at my wit's end!

In case this isn't clear: if controlling a soft-synth, moving a knob on the iPad moves corresponding knob on-screen; however, moving knob on-screen with mouse does not move corresponding knob on iPad. :'(

I'm using the latest versions of everything.

Windows 8.1, 64-bit, Reaper, LoopMIDI.

I've got all the MIDI boxes checked in Reaper, to the best of my knowledge: Clock/SPP enabled, etc.

This is putting a severe hamper on my Lemur experience. What part of the puzzle am I missing here? I'll admit that I'm a bit of a noob with certain things and that perhaps I'm missing something simple here. But anyone who can help me will have my eternal gratitude. :)

Re: I can send MIDI from Lemur --> Reaper, but not vice vers

Posted: 02 May 2015 23:32
by Softcore
Hello, this is a DAWspecific/VSTspecific issue you need to investigate but here are some basic guidelines to consider:

Generally speaking, you either map midi controls (Lemur) to functions-parameters of the DAW OR in the actual instruments-plug ins. Now.when mapped to DAW (levels, sends, etc) specifically in Reaper you ll have to create "actions" and in those actions specify midi in/out messages which in turn will provide the bi-directional feedback you are after. Its abit complicated compared to, for example, the midi mapping of Ableton Live where control and feedback are mapped with a "midi learn" function straight from the interface.
In the case of plug ins, either you map TO the plug in itself ( using the plug ins options) or, since every plug in exposes its parameters to the DAW, some DAWs give you a way to map " plug in parameters" whathever those may be per plug in - although I dont know if thats possible in Reaper.
One thing also to consider is that if you choose the first way ( mapping directly to the plug in) usually plug ins do not support bi-directional feedback. So the best way in all cases, is to find ways to midi map using your DAWs options - not your plug ins.
Search in Reaper's menu the Actions and create new action for, sayyy the levels of the tracks to get a feel of how it all works - and take it from there. ;)

keep in mind you need midi input AND output active in Reaper. The output of Reaper should be connected to input of Lemur to have bi-directional feedback.

Re: I can send MIDI from Lemur --> Reaper, but not vice vers

Posted: 03 Jan 2016 17:17
by Gass n Klang
Hi thanks for your reply! I checked that out - triggering not the plugin directly but the reaper internal "action list" (checked out to move the master fader). That even works just one way and that is weird.

I have the same problem with OSC:
If I use a Behringer x32 with the x32reaper "translation script" of Patrick-Gilles Maillot, it works bidirectional. So OSC itself, the router or the computer cannot be the problem I think. I want to use lemur as a second OSC controller doing everything the x32 cannot do (has several limitations regarding OSC).
Of course, the x32 uses other ports and IP-address but how can that be. I just don't understand and need to get that work to finish my livesetup as soon as possible. Concerts are just around the corner.

Re: I can send MIDI from Lemur --> Reaper, but not vice vers

Posted: 05 Jan 2016 12:00
by Gass n Klang
Alright, I found out it's a Reaper Problem. Thanks for helping.

Re: I can send MIDI from Lemur --> Reaper, but not vice vers

Posted: 05 Feb 2016 05:50
by MellowDios
That's great, GnK. :)

How about posting how you resolved the problem in Reaper, for those of us who might have a similar issue? :idea:

Not trying to flame you, but after all, isn't that what forums are all about?

Thanks in advance, guy.

Re: I can send MIDI from Lemur --> Reaper, but not vice vers

Posted: 07 Apr 2016 17:13
by Gass n Klang
well, reaper just cannot learn both ways yet.

Re: I can send MIDI from Lemur --> Reaper, but not vice vers

Posted: 28 Jun 2016 07:28
by kakmanu
I found out it's a Reaper Problem. Thanks for helping.