question: make a new template

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question: make a new template

Post by vutaikt »

I'm new to Lemur, but finding it fairly straight forward to set up. I'm using Midi, rather than OSC....and setting up a custom control template for a few real time performance features in Ableton Live.

My question is simple...but i cannot figure out the solution:

Is there a way to "link" two or more virtual "toggle buttons", so that "pressing" one button causes the other button to reverse (toggle) *it's* action. In other words....I have set up two toggle buttons to engage/disengage the on/off status of two tracks in session view of Live. Press the button, the track turns on, press it again, the track turns off....two buttons for two tracks. What I want, is to be able to control two tracks, each with on/off buttons, where turning one on...thus causes the other to turn itself off, and vice-versa. These tracks represent my main external audio inputs. I want to be able to switch between inputs, without having to worry about turning off other inputs....all via the lemur template. So...two individual toggle buttons, each with their own separate midi mappings....but somehow linked in Lemur to toggle the other button on or off, when engaged. Hope that made sense???

Thanks so much for helping a newb..... I mostly get this stuff.....have set up my entire template with no issues (its great!), but cannot figure this one aspect out on my own.
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Joined: 23 May 2014 00:24

Re: question: make a new template

Post by ndivuyo »

I think this is what you wanted.. correct me if I am wrong.
inside are 2 solutions, there are many ways of doing this.
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