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plus and minus

Posted: 28 Oct 2014 15:11
by mikeL
I'm trying to make a simple set of controls.A knob with a monitor(0-127) and a plus and minus button.I've sussed the monitor and knob business but the +/- bits just eluding me.I found a control that did something similar,it was for -24/+24 and i've tried to modify it for 0-127,but i can't get the step size to 1,i've changed everything i can think of but to no avail.
I'm new to scripting so I'm sorry if this is a simple fix/problem,but its foxed me.So if someone could be so kind as to point me in the right direction i'd be grateful
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Re: plus and minus

Posted: 29 Oct 2014 16:22
by MrCorba
After reading your post, I assumed you meant something like this. But after seeing your code I was in doubt, so if you need something else, I need some more details ;)

Re: plus and minus

Posted: 29 Oct 2014 18:12
by mikeL
Hello MrCorba
thank you for your response,and yes what you have done is exactly what i'm after.I shall look at the code and see whats what and hopefully understand it.The example i uploaded was extracted from a large template by AB,i had tried to strip out everything that didn't seam to be needed,so maybe something left gave you doubt!!
anyway thanks again