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Second tap keep button on!! How to do it??
Posted: 10 Oct 2014 07:52
by metamorfosis18
Re: Second tap keep button on!! How to do it??
Posted: 10 Oct 2014 09:29
by Softcore
Well it might be doable via a lot of different approaches but are you sure you arent overcomplicating things by using switches and not pads? (momentary action)
Re: Second tap keep button on!! How to do it??
Posted: 10 Oct 2014 14:26
by metamorfosis18
Thank you for replaying, I wanted to use custom buttons to be able to have a different label on the ON/OFF position. I tried everything I could so far, with my limited knowledge of Lemur.
I guess it could be a switch, a Pad or a custom button, as long as I can:
1- Have pressed buttons turn off other buttons and send their corresponding ON values of course.
2- When a button is ON tapping a second time keeps the button ON (kind of like switches) but RESENDS its value (when I tap one a switch thats on it doesn't send anything).
3- When a button is ON tapping on another button turns it of without sending its off value.
I hope this makes sense to you. Again there reason why I chose custom bottom was purely for aesthetic reason I guess and because of this guy here suggesting why its better to use them. ... S2&index=5
Thanks again. By the way I as I read ALL of your post yesterday trying to learn about Lemur and find help and Ideas, I kept thinking this guy is a monster!! you really have a gift for scripting and not only that, but for helping so many people and keeping a good attitude. Thanks man

Re: Second tap keep button on!! How to do it??
Posted: 10 Oct 2014 14:36
by Softcore
Thanks for the kind words. Be sure, that when I was new and knew nothing there were others here helping me out - so no Im not a monster, its just a coincidence - if I wasnt around, someone else would probably answer.
So, anyway....before going any further....lets get some basics down:
Switch object - you press it, it stays on, you press it again it goes off (and so do the midi messages attached to it)
Pad object - you press it, it goes on, you "leave" the screen it goes off (momentary button, and so do the midi messages attached to it)
Custom button - it can be set to behave either as a switch OR as a pad.
So, by your description it looks as if, Pads (or custom buttons configured as Pads) will not be what you are after correct? What I mean is, you want to press a button and STAY ON .... not just send an on message and then go off when you "leave" it....Correct? Keep in mind, Im talking about the related midi messages here, NOT the visual aspect (we ll come to that later)
Re: Second tap keep button on!! How to do it??
Posted: 10 Oct 2014 15:32
by metamorfosis18
Yes, you are correct. I would really like to somehow use custom buttons setup as switches, again just to be able to have different symbols or text for ON/OFF POSITION .
Sorry it took me a while to respond, I didn't know you where online
I will be paying attention now!
Re: Second tap keep button on!! How to do it??
Posted: 11 Oct 2014 04:32
by metamorfosis18
Hey Softcore, I attached a file just to show you where I want to go with this. I kind of color coded the buttons that are supposed to work together. I have been working on it the whole day!! trying to figure stuff out.
I test it midi communication with my template in ableton and almost everything is working as it should midi wise. But I still need to have button working together to stay ON and resend its value when a press it, and ONLY turn itself off when another button turns it off.
I hope you understand me. Anyway, time to go to bed, thanks again for your help.
Re: Second tap keep button on!! How to do it??
Posted: 11 Oct 2014 11:06
by Phil999
why not using a Pad object and an LED indicator? The LED goes on when you hit the pad and only goes off when another pad or whatever is activated. Many professional hardware controller use this combination pad+LED.
Re: Second tap keep button on!! How to do it??
Posted: 11 Oct 2014 12:46
by metamorfosis18
Thank you for your response PhiI, that's a good idea. I guess I will try that if is not possible run a scrip to do what I want with buttons.
I would much rather do it with buttons if it is possible, but again that is a good idea, and if it is the only way to do it, than I will take it
My only problem I guess would be trying to see the little led thingies, they are very tiny.
NOTE: I have been using an app called Mididesigner, and had created a set of controllers that basically looks very much like the one that I uploaded.
It was fairly simple to have the buttons behave like this, BUT, I am making the painful move to Lemur, because it is way more customizable and powerful IMHO, and you can basically acomplish almost anything with it, IF you now how to script.
I know I will learn, eventually, with the great help found in this forum.
Thank you guys.
Re: Second tap keep button on!! How to do it??
Posted: 11 Oct 2014 22:52
by Phil999
we understand. It took me months to accomplish only simple things, more than a year to learn the slightly advanced stuff, and after almost three years I'm still a novice. But it's worth the effort I think.
Here's a tip for the pad/LED functionality:
- create a script in the Pads object that executes on x when x goes from 0 to 1 (the little arrow up). Inside the script write
You can also use a Switches object of course. The main thing is that the LED will stay on regardless of the state of this pad or switch. To turn off the LED you simply create a similar script in another object to set the light value to 0.
There are various methods to make LED's bigger. The simplest way is to use more rows and columns. The others are a bit more complicated. It's also a question of contrast. If you have a dark background and a bright single LED it's enough in many cases. I have single LED's in many of my templates.
Anyway, that's just one way of doing things.

Re: Second tap keep button on!! How to do it??
Posted: 12 Oct 2014 06:31
by Softcore
If we establish that PADS CAN work (in relation to the midi messages nature which is different than that of switches) making then the PADS actually display which one was pressed last can be achieved in many different ways.
So, again what I would like to know is....IF PADS were used, and set aside the fact that you do not see which one was pressed last, do they WORK OK with the software controlled?