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noteout length
Posted: 30 Apr 2014 14:18
by AkaMed
I am building a sequencer based on a stepslider, but I don´t find the way to setup the lenght of the steps. I´m using "noteout" on it, but don´t know how to manage with the length...
Any ideas?
Re: noteout length
Posted: 30 Apr 2014 14:31
by oldgearguy
Re: noteout length
Posted: 30 Apr 2014 14:50
by AkaMed
Thanks Oldgearguy, I´ll have a look...
Re: noteout length
Posted: 30 Apr 2014 15:01
by AkaMed
I am sorry but I don´t find anything related to note length
Anyway, it´s an interesting sequencer

Re: noteout length
Posted: 30 Apr 2014 15:41
by electrofux
You are using noteout in an Onclock script?
Then you have the same problem as i have. The notelength can only be set by sending out a noteoff at a certain clock count. There is no length parameter as there is in the sequencer objects. It made its way on the feature wishlist already.
Re: noteout length
Posted: 30 Apr 2014 20:24
by AkaMed
Hi electroflux,
I´m using noteout on a "On expression > step" script.
I guessed I would need to send a noteoff (noteout with zero vel) delayed after each estep, but I don´t find how...
Re: noteout length
Posted: 02 May 2014 08:11
by electrofux
You should use noteout in an on clock script instead because otherwise your timing will not profit from the 5.0 advantages.
With the noteoff, you have to count clock pulses as a measure of notelength and remember what noteon is currently send out.
Re: noteout length
Posted: 02 May 2014 16:39
by electrofux
The easiest way would be:
on clock (lets say 16th division):
noteout (target,last_pitch,0,channel);
noteout (target,pitch,velocity,channel);
Now this does the noteoff of the last tirggered note right before the new note on. You need a global variable last_pitch for that.
Re: noteout length
Posted: 07 May 2014 19:41
by AkaMed
thanks Eletrofux.
I don´t understand it at all, because I think you are turning off the last pressed note just before the new one is going to be turned on. I am using a similar way to set the noteoffs...
And what I am looking for is the possibility of selecting the length that I want for each note, to have one note long, another short, etc. each note as I want, like the "StepNote module".
...o maybe I don´t understand what you say....

Thanks again!
I am waiting and excited to try your arpeggiator

Re: noteout length
Posted: 08 May 2014 08:18
by electrofux
No, you understand right. That is just the most simple way to do it. If you want to kindof of select the length then before sending the noteoff, you need to count up Clock pulses (and set the Clock to a higher rate like 64th). There is no way to do it like on the steplslider.
As i said it is a known problem and i have been told it has been put on the feature wishlist.
The Arpeggiator has been a bit put on hold until i finnished my current project because the thing i wanted to fix was more work than i thought.