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What happens when the Sequencer suddenly switches NoteOn/Off
Posted: 01 Apr 2014 21:41
by electrofux
This is the third time, that after tweaking the length Sliders of the MonoSequencer that everything goes sliding and MidiOx shows a Noteoff sent before the Noteon. There is soemthing bogus with the length sliders (or legato)!
Re: What happens when the Sequencer suddenly switches NoteOn
Posted: 02 Apr 2014 04:19
by Macciza
If you can get it repeatable then please send the Project and steps to reproduce to Support@liine
Re: What happens when the Sequencer suddenly switches NoteOn
Posted: 02 Apr 2014 08:53
by electrofux
I will do some hardcore Lengthslider Tweaking tonight and see

Re: What happens when the Sequencer suddenly switches NoteOn
Posted: 02 Apr 2014 17:24
by electrofux
It is the Swing Setting in the Mono Sequencer. If it is too high it happens.