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How to make an 8x8 Pad to behave like a keyboard but remappe

Posted: 27 Mar 2014 12:36
by electrofux
I have an 8x8 Pad and i want to use it as a Push Style Keyboard. Now the standard Pad counts from topleft to bottom right but i need it to count from bottom left to topright. So the standard mapping cannot be used, can it?
Eventually i want to make a very low size PushStyle keyboard with nearly all functionality coded in a Reason Remote codec which is done pretty much but it expects a different Note Layout.

I went for scripts with noteout but getting multiple pressed keys and their noteoffs in line blows my mind atm. Isn't there a clever setting of a custom Midi or even a simple script to make this work easily?

Re: How to make an 8x8 Pad to behave like a keyboard but rem

Posted: 27 Mar 2014 14:06
by Macciza
Custom MIDI is often forgotten and under utilised . ..
Make an _Notes array with the MIDI numbers you want, but in top left down order (hope that makes sense)
Now in the Custom MIDI pitch section take the Pads.x array and multiply it by the _Notes array
You can use Pads.x for the velocity ...

Thanks for the idea . ..


Re: How to make an 8x8 Pad to behave like a keyboard but rem

Posted: 27 Mar 2014 18:14
by electrofux
thx for the answer. I have followed your instructions and the Noteons are fine and according to my Layout but as a noteoff i allways get C-1 no matter what pad i press. I have attached the file, any idea?

Re: How to make an 8x8 Pad to behave like a keyboard but rem

Posted: 27 Mar 2014 22:19
by Macciza
Forgot about the various trigger options . ..
Disable all of them except x for triggering . .
(3.53 KiB) Downloaded 95 times

Re: How to make an 8x8 Pad to behave like a keyboard but rem

Posted: 27 Mar 2014 22:37
by electrofux
Hmm, it stil allways triggers c-1 as noteoff. Is it working on your side?

Re: How to make an 8x8 Pad to behave like a keyboard but rem

Posted: 27 Mar 2014 23:53
by Macciza
All works fine here
Make sure you got it transferred properly etc

Re: How to make an 8x8 Pad to behave like a keyboard but rem

Posted: 28 Mar 2014 12:44
by Softcore
Hmmmmm not sure...but I think in the pitch section of the custom midi it should be "layout" and not x*layout? Im not in my studio computer so can't really test though. The concept is not a new one though, Mat's keyboard templates feature this technique all be it, slightly more complex to also accomodate velocity settings

(custom midi note ons triggers on x rising with velocity setting, custom midi note offs (zero velocity) triggers on x dropping to zero with 0 velocity)


Re: How to make an 8x8 Pad to behave like a keyboard but rem

Posted: 28 Mar 2014 13:01
by electrofux
I have to test it again tonight. The Note On Pitch was perfect yesterday but whatever triggers i set (i already ticked off all triggers but one), i always got a constant C-1 fot the noteoff (i have monitored it in Midi OX).

It would be really cool if this somehow works considering the amount of complicated coding i have seen in other templates.

Re: How to make an 8x8 Pad to behave like a keyboard but rem

Posted: 28 Mar 2014 13:22
by Macciza
It works fine here . .?

x*layout or layout makes little real difference - x*layout returns 0 for any keys not pressed thats all
Bit of a carry over of logic, reminder of what is going on etc
Velocity options can be added to this fairly easily

Re: How to make an 8x8 Pad to behave like a keyboard but rem

Posted: 28 Mar 2014 19:13
by electrofux
Ok, downloaded the fixed version again, synced through the Editor, loaded up Reason, played some notes. They all stuck because no notesoffs apart form C-1 are sent. Checked in Midi Ox aswell. Downloaded the template again from the Ipad to check if everthing is ok with the template, but it is. Why the hell is it working on your side but not here :/