APC40 onmidi (ipad fader replacement)
Posted: 16 Mar 2014 07:02
Hello, im trying to replace my real faders on the APC40 with my Ipad to have some sort of "motorized" Faders.
I set up a mackie control script in Live and assigned 8 Faders in Lemur, using the APC40´s "Bank left/right" Buttons with "on midi" to move the MCU emulation accordingly.
My Problem is; i managed to switch 1 fader at a time but there is no extra button on the APC40 to switch 8 Faders at a time.
To swap 8 faders at a time i need to press "Shift" + "Bank left/right" on the APC40.
So i have the same midi message resulting in the same action.
I need to change the function of the triggered button if "Shift" is pressed at the same time.
Also is there maybe a possibility to switch the clip matrix of the APC40 on the Lemur? I tried to emulate the messages of the banking buttons, but no success.
Managed it to emulate other functions but not the bank buttons, maybe some sort of handshake there?

I set up a mackie control script in Live and assigned 8 Faders in Lemur, using the APC40´s "Bank left/right" Buttons with "on midi" to move the MCU emulation accordingly.
My Problem is; i managed to switch 1 fader at a time but there is no extra button on the APC40 to switch 8 Faders at a time.
To swap 8 faders at a time i need to press "Shift" + "Bank left/right" on the APC40.
So i have the same midi message resulting in the same action.

I need to change the function of the triggered button if "Shift" is pressed at the same time.
Also is there maybe a possibility to switch the clip matrix of the APC40 on the Lemur? I tried to emulate the messages of the banking buttons, but no success.

Managed it to emulate other functions but not the bank buttons, maybe some sort of handshake there?