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Leds & note-off

Posted: 29 Dec 2013 20:55
by julien
Hi there,

I had some issues with Leds.
I basically wants to display all my note-on message as a flashy blink. That means I want to use the note-on for lighting on the led, and note-off for lighting off the led.

If it works fine when I'm using Max6 (as a test patch that I trust), when I fire my MIDI notes from Live, it doesn't work fine (actually the message isn't a note-off but a note-on with a velocity of zero (which isn't exactly the same considering the MIDI standard)

Can it be my source of the problem?
The real question is: how can I manage it to work with Leds objects in Lemur app ??


Re: Leds & note-off

Posted: 30 Dec 2013 19:16
by Softcore
Not sure, but perhaps you could try mapping the "light" to the note ons - consequently the velocity will change the brightness of the LED.

Just an idea, off the top of my head!
