At the moment I can't see how the message receive loop I have in Unity will work with the address / message style of the Lemur. and as the experience I am designing is controlled by multiple ipads, it would be ideal to have a single format out of both controllers:
For example:
From TouchOSC I receive the code in unity like this:
Code: Select all
if (address == "/2/multiXYController/1") { // 1 is the first touch
float x1 = (float) args[0];
float y1 = (float) args[1];
//... move the transform of an object
How can I 'pack' the x y z message up into a single address and access each parameter with the argument array approach as above? And maybe with the object index in the address?
I think I may could do that with a script in Lemur to collect the values and use OSCOut() to construct a new formatted message.
Maybe I could use OSCulator to reformat the message? But that would get unwieldy.
Maybe I should understand a little more how my OSC receiver is working in Unity! (I'm using and amazed I've got it working so far!
Any points would be welcomed... thanks in advance.
Kind regards, Ian