sysex what am i doing wrong

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sysex what am i doing wrong

Post by ciarany »

hi im trying to build a simple editor for the juno 106 just as an exercise really as the juno sliders transmit and receive sysex i dont really need an editor , before i tackle the real beast ..the yamaha dx7 i will share my editors as i always do with the community when im done and your help has been invaluable in the past and is much appreciated

i have been trawling the internet and the forum and have got this far but its not transmitting sysex
what am i doing wrong ?

here is the data i have been using , but i dont think thats the issue cause it doesnt send anything at all
Roland Juno 106 Control
The Juno 106 will transmit SysEx messages through its MIDI Out port when the MIDI Function switch is set to position 3. Any slider moves or buttons pushed on the Juno 106's front panel will be transmitted and can be recorded into a sequencer - and played back in to the Juno-106! Any on-board editing you transmit and record into your sequencer will always be re-applied to the Juno 106 during playback.

However you may want to create your own programmer/controller for your Juno 106 using your Sequencer program. Simply set-up a Continuous Controller that will send MIDI SysEx Messages to your Juno 106 and use the following code-chart to create controllers for the Juno-106 parameters you want to edit.

I. First you must set the Juno 106's Midi Mode switch to 3 (on the rear).

II. These are the components of the system exclusive message:

F0 [Start Exclusive]
41 [Roland ID#]
32 [Function Type]
0N [N+1=MIDI channel (N=0-15, Chan 1=00)]
XX [Parameter number (0-09, 0A-0F)] see table below
YY [Variable value (0-127)] Should be left at 00
F7 [End of Exclusive]

III. Here is an example:
A SysEx message for editing the VCF Resonance Parameter on MIDI channel 1:
F0 41 32 00 06 00 F7

"06" Is the SysEx code for the VCF Resonance Parameter.
"00" Is the SysEx code for the variable start value of the current edit parameter.

Parameter Numbers (XX) For The Juno-106:
00 LFO rate F0 41 32 00 00 00 F7
01 LFO delay F0 41 32 00 01 00 F7
02 DCO LFO modulation level F0 41 32 00 02 00 F7
03 DCO PWM modulation level F0 41 32 00 03 00 F7
04 Noise level F0 41 32 00 04 00 F7
05 VCF cutoff level F0 41 32 00 05 00 F7
06 VCF resonance level F0 41 32 00 06 00 F7
07 VCF ENV level F0 41 32 00 07 00 F7
08 VCF LFO modulation level F0 41 32 00 08 00 F7
09 VCF KYBD modulation level F0 41 32 00 09 00 F7
0A VCA level F0 41 32 00 0A 00 F7
0B ENV attack rate F0 41 32 00 0B 00 F7
0C ENV decay rate F0 41 32 00 0C 00 F7
0D ENV sustain level F0 41 32 00 0D 00 F7
0E ENV release rate F0 41 32 00 0E 00 F7
0F Sub level F0 41 32 00 0F 00 F7
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