OSC connection

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OSC connection

Post by joebataz »

Hi all,

Been very busy so I haven't been on the forum in a while. My Lemur app has been kicking butt and getting lots of positive feedback. So what do I want to do????
Break it of course.....
Not really, it's just that I need to get away from MIDI and embrace OSC. I've run out of MIDI addresses that don't conflict with other devices and MIDI is starting to be too slow. But I all these photons, electrons and high level audio must have scrambled my poor little brain because for the life of me I can't get my Lemur app on my iPad to talk to my latest toy, VDMX5. There is some sort of MIDI weirdness going on which I'm baffled by and I'm waiting for some answers on the VDMX5 forum. But I have several events coming up including a fairly large party (1000+ people) and I'd really like to get VDMX control moved into my iPad app so I can tightly coordinate sound lights and video.
What I need is a little bit better explanation and examples of OSC working. Before you ask, YES i have looked at tutorials and whatever else I could find, BUT this forum doesn't let me search for setup osc, too many results I guess. Anyway, I would very much appreciate someone pointing me at some docs and examples that even I could understand.

Thanks again to all the folk on this forum for their support in the past!

Joe B
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Re: OSC connection

Post by joebataz »

Now I'm getting REALLY frustrated! I've been reading thru posts and I'm getting conflicting information.
You must use the Bonjour name...
You have to use the IP address...
You have to use an ad-hoc network...
You have to use the Lemur daemon (which I never have because it's much too confusing)...
The target has to be Osc0 and the Parent has to be none...
The target to be none and the parent has to be Osc0.......
and so on and so on.
I've been using my Lemur app for over a year now in various states but I always use straight core WiFi and it has always worked. I have my own router with my mobile system which I use when needed and have also used ad-hoc. NEVER had a problem with either with MIDI.
But OSC has been a nightmare to JUST get connected. Any detailed insights out there?


Joe B
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Re: OSC connection

Post by Phil999 »

I would like to help, but I don't know VDMX5. Maybe it helps to remember that the Lemur Daemon is for multiple MIDI ports and mouse/keyboard, and not needed for OSC. And that your OSC setup might be correct on the Lemur side, but not correct on the VDMX5 side. In fact it is rather simple: establish a working wifi connection (router or ad-hoc), and enter the correct IP's or machine names. Use the correct ports. Then it will run like you want. Consult the VDMX5 manual.

I learned OSC communication with Reaktor. Maybe some Lemur-Reaktor or Lemur-Max tutorials would help you?
Formant+Eurorack, PPG wave 2.2, Korg MS-20, etc., EWI 4000s, QuNeo, etc., Mixbus32c, u-he, MadronaLabs, Samplemodeling, NI, etc., iPad2/4/Pro
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Re: OSC connection

Post by joebataz »

Thanks phil999

At this point I'd be happy if I could just get OSC to come into the Mac. I'm not even to the point of getting OSC signals to show on the OSC monitor. TouchOSC communicates but Lemur doesn't. THAT'S the dilemma....

But I appreciate the response!

Joe B
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Re: OSC connection

Post by Phil999 »

really sorry that I cannot be of more help. I remember having lots of trouble last year, but eventually it became almost second nature. Actually, I find OSC easier to set up than MIDI. The key is to have a working wifi connection, which - as I had to realise - changes with every major iOS update. iOS6 was a nightmare, and iOS7 again causes trouble. I also have a router dedicated only for wifi/OSC/MIDI connections, also for performing live (no internet). Sometimes also a netbook with a network bridge (even more complicated, but in the end very easy if you know how).

My advice is to take one day off to study and try out this wifi thing. Max and Reaktor are good references because they are popular. Kids show us oldtimers how to do it. User manuals do as well, but rather cryptic. But once you get it, it's a whole new world, OSC. Very nice, with very fine resolution, like pitchbend/NRPN in MIDI.

Yeah, read through all these search hits you find in this forum. There are hundreds, but it is worth it. One or two days investment, and hopefully no more trouble for the rest of your life.
Formant+Eurorack, PPG wave 2.2, Korg MS-20, etc., EWI 4000s, QuNeo, etc., Mixbus32c, u-he, MadronaLabs, Samplemodeling, NI, etc., iPad2/4/Pro
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Re: OSC connection

Post by Macciza »

Hey Joe (where you sending that OSC command on ya' Lemur- sorry couldn't resist)

Checkout http://opensoundcontrol.org/introduction-osc for general info etc on OSC . . .

Re OSC in general - Its like a mail system with addresses etc not channels like MIDI
Lemur has an address -xx.xx.xx.xx :8000 (see OSC Target setup in Lemur) for general communication send stuff there from VDMX - you need to set that in VDMX prefs
You will also need to create and setup your OSC Targets in Lemur - these are the addresses you will be sending to
VDMX can set up address to receive on in its prefs - you need to create one that matches the OSC Target you set in Lemur
If it is all matched up you should be able to detect OSC Controls in VDMX - proceed to map messages in VDMX as required.
I D/L'd the VDMX demo and got it all running fairly easily so you should be able to do so as well now . .
Hope that helps

iMac 2.8G i7 12G 10.6.8/10.7.2, Legacy Dexter/Lemur, Liine Lemur/iPad2, KMI SoftStep, 12Step & QuNeo , B-Controls, Mackie C4 etc
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Re: OSC connection

Post by joebataz »


Good to hear from you and I'll allow the Hendrix reference.....

I've tried downloading a couple of templates from the liine website but I can't get them to work.
Here's how I'm configured.
Network connection from my iPad is thru my Cisco wireless router/modem. iTunes see's the iPad so I know the network works between the iMac and the iPad.

On the iPad under settings under OSC targets I have OSC 0 Host:JoesiMac.local Port 8000

On the iMac I am running OSC_Data_Monitor and have a listener setup and working on Port 8000.

I have tried both the Bonjour name (as above) and the IP address in the Host field. No combination seems to work. I am seriously baffled by this. All I have running on both machines is Lemur and Firefox. On the iMac I also have the monitor running.



Joe B
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Re: OSC connection

Post by Macciza »

If you are working with others projects you will have to check they are actually sending OSC rather than MIDI

Set Target 0 to your computers IP and port 8000
Create new input port in VDMX - set it to 8000
At a pad sending OSC on Target 0 in Lemur
In VDMX prefs / OSC / Dedicated Controls hit Detect New than play the Pad in Lemur
Its OSC path should be detected if it is then all is good

If not then there is a network issue blocking the connection - check firewalls etc . ..
iMac 2.8G i7 12G 10.6.8/10.7.2, Legacy Dexter/Lemur, Liine Lemur/iPad2, KMI SoftStep, 12Step & QuNeo , B-Controls, Mackie C4 etc
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Re: OSC connection

Post by joebataz »

It gets stranger.
I can't use 8000. I got it working using 1234. So I go to a gig and OSC communication TOTALLY stops working. I come home and it's working again.

Lets put that on the backburner for a new REALLY annoying issue. I have a version of my template, call it _A. I make changes and save it supposedly over writing the _A version. Call it _B template and push it to the iPad. The programming works. I save it on the iPad again supposedly overwriting _A. I quit Lemur on the iPad. I start it up and _A loads instead of _B. I load the _B template (which works), I quit Lemur again and remove it from iPad memory, hold the icon in the running apps list, when it wiggles and has the X, tap the X and the app is gone. I restart Lemur and _A loads again. I go into Lemur on the Mac, change the name of the _B app to something different and push it to the iPad. I go into Lemur on the iPad and remove EVERY template EXCEPT the renamed template _B. I restart the iPad (power it off, and restart it). Open Lemur and there is _A, it's NOT in the template list but there it is running. I have gone thru this process about 6 times now and _A keeps popping up even though it's not in the template list on the iPad! The _B template is there and if I load it, the changes I made are there but leaving Lemur in any way and returning always brings up the _A template.


Any ideas?


Joe B
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Re: OSC connection

Post by joebataz »

Just an FYI. I finally figured it out. There were some addressing issue with ports being blocked and once I got past then everything is working fine now. I pulled Traktor Control out of my Lemur app and set up VDMX5 instead. The whole thing is working fairly well except for Traktor. I just downloaded and installed the latest version (2.6.5 R250) and I'm getting some strange behavior. When I send a couple of midi pairs to the DMXIS (DMX lighting control hardware) Traktor CUE button lights up and the application gets TOTALLY locked. I have to quit the application and restart it to get control again. I know TRaktor had mentioned them were having some iOS7 issues with their iPad app. I'd love to go to iOS7 but unless I positive that there are no Lemur issues with iOS7 I won't upgrade. I've just spent 6 months running my app and it's been great. I don't want to throw anymore bugs into the system as I'm busy again until the end of December. I'd appreciate any comments on Lemur running under iOS7 saw a couple but nothing really definite.

Also want to wish the Liine folks and my fellow forum members a happy holiday season.

Best regards,

Joe B
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