Logic Pro 9 forgets controller input

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Logic Pro 9 forgets controller input

Post by fchieli »

Hi everyone,
I'm using IOS Lemur to control a few things in Logic.
I have a few buttons for instance in Lemur designed to send MIDI controller on a specific MIDI channel.
In the Controller Setup in Logic I see Daemon Input 0, Daemon Input 1 etc...
I set all the command to Daemon Input 0, save the song as a template.
The whole setup works for a couple of days.
After then Logic Stops responding to Lemur.
If I reopen the Controller Assign page I see all the assignments previously made, but in the MIDI Input section, the previously chosen Daemon Input 0 is now greyed out and at the end of the input list (see attachment).
I have to click on the pull down list of inputs and reselect it.
I have to do that for each command assigned to Lemur.
Is there a way to prevent this?
shot.png (101.08 KiB) Viewed 1016 times
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