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One button to reset other buttons that are on
Posted: 16 May 2013 13:40
by Loop Corporation
I'm sure this is probably quite straight forward but I just can't get my head round it so putting it out there for help.
I have got custom buttons set up as mute buttons for each chanel of my live show set up using ableton.
These all work fine and when pressed mute the chanel and when pressed again un-mute the chanel.
The problem I'm having is that I use 10 channels and if I mute multiple channels the turning them all off at the same time becomes tricky. What I would like is one button that will automatically reset all the mute buttons that are on (as in the channels are muted) to be off again and ready to be muted when I next require.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Re: One button to reset other buttons that are on
Posted: 16 May 2013 13:57
by Softcore
I knew it! I knew it! And I'll never have to repeat myself from now on...I'll just point out to the link......

Re: One button to reset other buttons that are on
Posted: 16 May 2013 15:10
by Loop Corporation
Cheers for the reply.
I forgot to mention that each chanel strip is in its own container (so 10 seperate containers) but just had a quick look at the post you linked and I think there is something there that should work, will try it tonight and let you know.
Nice one.
Re: One button to reset other buttons that are on
Posted: 16 May 2013 15:13
by Softcore
Adressing objects in Lemur scripting is a lot like URL adresses.
If the script resides INSIDE the object you directly adress the expression (x,y,z) or the attribute of the object.
If the object is called CustomButton and its on the same "folder" (look at the project browser") with your script you adress it in scripts with its name, CustomButton and then the desired expression (for example CustomButton.x)
If its in a container named Container23 you adress it as Container23.CustomButton.x
Im sure this gives you a clue!

Oh, I also added one more example, closer to what you are after!

Re: One button to reset other buttons that are on
Posted: 17 May 2013 04:23
by Loop Corporation
Thanks for the info and yep that all makes sense about being like urls. The explinations are really helpful so cheers for your insight!
So I have got the new addition you added to you links all working but when trying to add two more buttons into it to make 10 they don't seem to work. Now I'm guessing there needs to be scripting added but bizarrely I can't seem to see any of the scripting for your original buttons - I have the scripting bar up but it's not populated with any information?
Am I being stupid and missing something? (Probably both

Re: One button to reset other buttons that are on
Posted: 17 May 2013 06:11
by Softcore
Yup you are missing something!
You have to select in the project browser, the object where the scripts reside, and then select the actual script (usually noticeable from the parenthesis after the name) - usually these scripts are residing at the objects that "affect" other objects but this is not necessarily always the case. Scripts can be placed anywhere, and consequently can refer to anywhere inside a Lemur template.
Also, you would go much further, much faster, if you read the manual!

Re: One button to reset other buttons that are on
Posted: 17 May 2013 16:09
by Loop Corporation
Yeah I looked where I would expect the scripting to be but just can't see anything, in sure I will find it though.
Yeah point taken about reading the manual you would have thought that having a lemur in both forms for quite a while I would be further advanced than I am now with all this, I'm one of those annoying ask first read later people
Thanks for your help thought muchos gratis!