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8x8 switches, need to pass range of values on one cc
Posted: 16 Apr 2013 09:33
by monks1975
Hi, I'm a newbie with the Lemur and am having trouble figuring out of this is possible via the ipad editor.
I want to make an 8x8 matrix of switches, with each switch transmitting a midi cc value of x (remains the same) and a value between 0 and 63 for each switch. All I have so far figured out is that the matrix will transmit different cc for each switch, but not a different value with the same cc. Sorry if my use of the terminology is confusing.
Re: 8x8 switches, need to pass range of values on one cc
Posted: 16 Apr 2013 09:42
by Softcore
So you want each switch to transmit on the same CC but different values....First of all, I think you need pads and not switches then.....I mean, if you press a switch and it transmits 4 on CC 21, then there is no need to stay "on" 'll have toi switch it off and on again to make it transmit it again.....
Is my assumption correct?
Re: 8x8 switches, need to pass range of values on one cc
Posted: 16 Apr 2013 10:56
by monks1975
Thanks for the reply.
Well, I'm using a matrix of switches in radio mode, where turning one switch to on switches off the rest. I would like a switch when on to transmit a value dependent on its place in the matrix between 0 and 63 on CC x
It's very possible I'm misunderstanding what switches can do, it was just easier to set up a grid of switches instead of creating 64 independent pads.
It's not for a drum rack, it's to control the virtual patching on the Microkorg, which can be represented with a matrix like structure.
Re: 8x8 switches, need to pass range of values on one cc
Posted: 16 Apr 2013 11:06
by Softcore
yeah but, you gotta understand, it doesnt transmit messages continuously, it'll transmit only when that sense its useless to have switches....You can also have a grid of Pads like you did with switches
Aaaanyways, here's an uses Pads - the last pressed pad is lit and at the press of each pad a value of 0 to 63 (according to the pad) is transmitted on CC (user-defined) and in midi channel Ch (user-defined) on Lemur target 0
Change the expressions shown in the project window with blue values (CC and Ch) to your desired CC number and midi channel
Note: Im not currently at my studio and havent checked if its working correctly in reguards to the midi channel - I dont actually remember the correct way to set it up. If you notice that selecting midi channel 1 results in messages being transmitted in midi channel 2 let me know and I'll fix it
Re: 8x8 switches, need to pass range of values on one cc
Posted: 16 Apr 2013 11:12
by monks1975
Thank you softcore. I will have a look at it.
It doesn't need to transmit the value continuously, once a switch transmits value x, that changes the virtual patch configuration on the microkorg.
Re: 8x8 switches, need to pass range of values on one cc
Posted: 16 Apr 2013 12:40
by Softcore
Exactly why pads are more suitable!

The switch objects toggles two states (on-off) and its not suitable for sending messages on consequent presses!