Sending a faders current value with a button

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Sending a faders current value with a button

Post by jbgeluid »

I have the following question I cannot solve myself, need some help;

I have 4 faders on a remote midimixer I want to controll with one and the same fader in lemur , with different cc numbers, same midichannel, same lemur out. Only one fader should be "on"at a time, the other faders should be set to zero by a switch (radiobutton with 4 choices). All faders should be set to the same "current value" when "in use".

I came up with 2 possible solutions, both not fully working:
Reset all unselected controllers to zero (0). That's the easy part, this scripts work as expected, but I cannot get the "getattribute/setatribute scripts to work for "first pickung up the current fader value, and resending the value on a different cc number" while also resetting the other faders to zero). This is probably not possible anyway, as you would have to first "pick up the current fader value", then reset the fader to zero, then resend the 'remembered" value to a different cc number".

I also tried another solution with 4 hidden faders, each for controlling the separate remote mixer, and a "ghost fader" that I actualy use in Lemur.
Setting the hidden faders to the value on a push of a button by script is probably easier than the first solution, but I found out I have no clue whatever how to do this.

Any help on this to get me on the right track will be appreciated. I could even offer you a percentage (0,1 - 0,8%, as I already have 1000 buttons in my project) of the huge proffits I am going to make when finaly releasing this project as "donateware".... ;)
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Re: Sending a faders current value with a button

Post by Softcore »

The percentage is indeed intriguing and I kinda need the kinddin'.....ok so, let me get this straight, you MUST have the non-used faders set to zero and you also want each time you change the control to one of four, to pick up from the value the previous one was, before it was set to sero by the change????

Frankly, I really cant imagine what are you using this functionality for, but it is doable me thinks.....are my above assumptions correct?
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Re: Sending a faders current value with a button

Post by jbgeluid »


Imagine a RME soundcard's internal dsp midi controlable mixer (only midi in) with 4 speaker outs, controlled by the same (lemur) fader. The switch is for speaker selection, the fader is your controlroom master fader. Each speaker connects to a different output of the soundcard. So only one fader should be set to the controlroom masterfader level, the others are set to zero as there is no way to mute the outputs any other way...

The set to zero part is covered, it's the 'set to controlroom masterfader-part' I can't get to work..
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Re: Sending a faders current value with a button

Post by Softcore »

Ah I see, quite easy then! here ya go! Tried and tested!

Notice the two expressions CC and ch with blue fonts - change in there the CC you desire (currently set 21, 22, 23, 24) and the midi channel in ch and all the rest will follow! Map it and you are good to go!!!

edit: reuploaded, one line of code was not needed at all
(4.96 KiB) Downloaded 111 times
edit no2: This one, for a reason looks more elegant to me (code-wise)....
(4.99 KiB) Downloaded 134 times
edit no3: forgot to mention, all the stuff is targeted at Daemon 0. If you need a different target, make sure you change the first 0s in the switches ctlout script, and the target of custom midi out of the fader.

I promise there wont be edit
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Re: Sending a faders current value with a button

Post by jbgeluid »


spot on, copied your code into my project after some testing with your v2, working like a charm here. Amazing how easy for you it was to solve it, had a quick look at the script, its actualy very litle code, but to complicated for me to fully understand..So could never have done this myself.

This may be very nice solution for other people too I think (when running RME cards and multiple speakersetups).

I was already able to do this in Cubase, using the controlroom, but the problem was that as soon as I quit Cubase I totaly lost control over my speakersetup. Not anymore.. Again, many thanks for this.. Where/how can I donate? :D
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Re: Sending a faders current value with a button

Post by Softcore »

No prob! ;) I take these sort of things as a great chance to learn and improve myself on Lemur scripting!
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Re: Sending a faders current value with a button

Post by jbgeluid »

Well thanks again, it works realy great. Very intuitive. Wish i had this 10 years ago!
Cubase 11, Windows 10/
Intel I7 4930K @3.4Ghz/
multiple RME hammerfall cards
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