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Problems making custom interfaces with Mu

Posted: 25 Mar 2013 05:54
by xangurial
Hi everyone,

new to the forums, but I have a Legacy, along with Ableton Live 9, and Max 6. I load the Mu template into Live and everything works fine, except for the actual audio devices: They do not show up when I select one on the interface, so I'm assuming it's because I have Live 9. Anyone else using a Legacy with Live 9? Any issues?

Anyways, the main question I have is that I am trying to add custom interfaces to the Mu. I open the .jzml project caled "Mu + Custom Interface" (or something along those lines) and I can add an interface just fine. I then set up the midi config while having Ableton and the Jazzeditor open. I then save the .jzml project separately somewhere else. So it saves the original Mu template along with my custom interface. I then drag and drop the original Mu M4L object into my Ableton project, and then drop my custom interface project (that I created in the jazzeditor) onto the section of the Mu M4L patch that says "Drop Jzml Here". It loads the Mu interface, along with my custom interface just fine, however, all the midi i had setup for my custom interface is now not working. Do i have to make a M4L patch whenever I create a custom interface so it will work? It wasn't very clear on that in the manual.
I hope that all made sense.

Thanks for your responses,

Re: Problems making custom interfaces with Mu

Posted: 25 Mar 2013 09:48
by Macciza
I am guessing that you have not looked at this thread

Re: Problems making custom interfaces with Mu

Posted: 25 Mar 2013 12:56
by Dionysiac
I have the same issues with Live9 all the device controls are not working and my custom devices are broken too.
I am hoping that whatever the issue with the "unofficial" patch to mu is will be resolved as I didn't get a chance to download that before it was pulled.

As far as I can tell though it is the M4L parts of the system that will need to be changed while keeping your Legacy jzml and jzlib in place. I am starting to see drift even in my own work between a template that will work on iPad but not on legacy. Little things like the way a breakpoint object won't accept a vector for individual points of friction on legacy but work as expected on iPad. I think that keeping mu alive on the legacy is going to take some concerted effort from the "old school" lot.

Re: Problems making custom interfaces with Mu

Posted: 12 Mar 2014 08:53
by Godlike667
Hi I load my Mu plugin and can't get the lemur setup. Did anyone else have that problem?