if you put your group tracks at the beginning of the mixer (in a folder maybe), it is easy to program solo buttons for each group as they will show up as the first 50 tracks in the 'generic remote(VST mixer>YOUR GROUP>solo)
You can also go the 'selected channel"route: one solo button (for selected channel, VST mixer/Selected/Solo), set your prefs to "solo selected track", and just scroll trough your tracks with up-down button in Lemur or your keyboard ( also available in the generic remote under "Command>navigate>up/down).
you can also assign a FADER in Lemur(!) to channel selection("Quickscroll") (tip:set the max value in the remote and in lemur to the number of your group tracks so the fader will only scroll trough your groups (must set them at the top of your arrangement for this to work)).
I quote myself from the cubase forum:
http://www.steinberg.net/forum/viewtopi ... ete#p56977
setting up this fader is a bit more complicated so here we go;
you need: VST mixer/device/selected, but to get there you first select: VSTmixer/Selected/selected, and then change the first "selected" into "device". If you assign a cc and a fader in lemur to that you can scroll trough the channels (128 max). to create buttons that go one channel up or down use: command/navigate/up or down,and assign a cc or note.
Cubase prefs you might want to look at:
editing>use up down buttons for selecting tracks only
editing>project &mixer>Enable solo on selected track
VST>mute pre send when mute
VST>group channels:Mute sources as well
If you create controllers in the generic remote BE SHURE to give them an unique name (under "control name"top left and do an export of the remote =save to file), or your inputs are lost after a cubase restart. Don't change the name or location of the file as cubase "looks"at it and reloads it at every program boot.
If you set up mixer 1 for "show only groups" and outputs, and mixer 2/3 to only show tracks and/or effects you also have a convenient way of viewing everything separately in the mixers (recal/hide mixer 1/2/3 by generic remote/lemur: command>Devices>mixer, mixer 2, mixer 3)
You can make mixer 1/2 realy small, as you will look at only one group/5 channels at a time.
set prefs to:
editing>project & mixer>Sync project & mixerSelection ON
You can set effect returns to be included in solo operations if in use by alt click on the effect return solo button.(turns orange, S changes to D)
Save a couple of workspaces after you configured all this (also recallable in the generic remote by; command>workspaces> ws1-9)
hope this helps, JB
btw this isnt the cubase forum isit?
@Joe: and scary to!
http://www.google.nl/imgres?imgurl=http ... Bw&dur=169