connection issues

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connection issues

Post by jbgeluid »


I am running a template for controlling Cubase 6.5 on a windows XPsp3 computer, using the latest XP, Lemur deamon and ipad software.
The tempate uses 8 in and out ports, (midi 0-7), on the pc I have Midiyoke running as well as "bome miditranslator" to take care of all the connections to Cubase. I have made so many ports because my template is complicated, I run 2 MCU controllers and 6 generic remotes in Cubase, alll connected to their own ports, some sending Sysex or NRPN, some just controllers or note messages.
My network: my pc is WIRED to my router, my Ipad is connected wireless, i use static ip-adresses, in my router I have forwarded some ports to make it all work.

The problem I have:
I keep loosing connection to the daemon on some of the the send ports
, with the text turning red on the ipad port mapping screen.
When I reconnect, all generic remotes work right away, but the MCU (mackie control)'s have to be reset in Cubase.
In most of the cases it is port MIDI 0 (my "basic" cubase control channnel, meaning transport, edit, selected channel control) or one of the two ports I use for MCU control.

I tried setting connections up from the deamon side (on the pc) instead of using the ipad for that, re-installed Lemur and deamon on the PC, (not yet on Ipad), as this was both suggested on a forum somewhere, but mothing helps.
I sometimes have a steady connection for hours, sometimes it drops all the time.
My network signal is always "very good" on the Ipad.

Last edited by jbgeluid on 15 Feb 2013 22:10, edited 1 time in total.
Cubase 11, Windows 10/
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Re: connection issues

Post by Phil999 »

sorry to say, but there seems to be no solution with wireless. Those dropped MIDI ports do happen occasionally.

I hear the iConnectMIDI4+ has more than one MIDI port (up to 64). I assume this will be a more reliable solution.
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Re: connection issues

Post by jbgeluid »

thanks Phill, great info, but bad news..

I never had these issues with touchosc or other DAW controllers on Ipad . It is definitely a "Lemur only" problem...
If there is realy no solution I will have to stop using Lemur for serious work, because this is simply not acceptable in a commercial studio with clients around. And I don't want to go wired. I have other devices for that, with knobs and buttons..

Not to mention spending a year of my life's free time designing the perfect Cubase controller for my studio..
Cubase 11, Windows 10/
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Re: connection issues

Post by jbgeluid »

An update:

after reading this post:

(I work with static IP on all my devices).
I checked my "subnet" settings.
They were: on all my devices.
I changed everything (router, ipad, desktop) to subnet

I seem to have a much faster, and hopefully also a steadier connection..
Lemur is more responsive, browser loading faster on all devices, and so on.

Will get back on this subject later, first do some realworld testing now....
Last edited by jbgeluid on 15 Feb 2013 23:48, edited 2 times in total.
Cubase 11, Windows 10/
Intel I7 4930K @3.4Ghz/
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Re: connection issues

Post by jbgeluid »

I downloaded a free wireless networktool for windows (inSSIDer 2.0) here is the link:
I installed this on my laptop. With this tool I can scan for all wireless networks in my neightbourhood, see on which channel they are, and their strength. On my ipad I installed "network analiser lite" (free), with this app I now can "ping" my studiocomputer over the network.

With my router on "auto channel selection" it sets itself to channel 1. But my closest neightbour-network is also on channel 1.
I can see all this on my laptop, using the tool.

Pinging my desktop from my ipad resulted in an average result of 12-20 msec delay, which is not bad actually.

Now I went to channel 13 on my router, according to the networktool on my network, there are no other networks active on this channel in close range.

Pinging my studiocomputer from my network now results in a latency of 2,3 - 11 msec(!)

I am not shure yet if all this resoves the problems with Lemur loosing connections, I will post the results in a future update to this post.
Cubase 11, Windows 10/
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Re: connection issues

Post by jbgeluid »

Nope, still loosing connection, but it is way more responsive..
Cubase 11, Windows 10/
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Re: connection issues

Post by jbgeluid »

Bought a new router, my old one is a huwae or huway, the new one: eminent em 4570. Less dropouts, same speed or better..

Update: followed Joe's advice (thanks) in another treath:

So I went ad hoc (not possible with a "normal" router, you need a PCI or USB wireless access point that supports the creation of ad hoc networks).
BIG difference in my studio. Nomore "connection dropouts" (It always seemed like dropouts happen when you send a 'big" message after not using the Lemur for some minutes) at all. I bought a TP-Link TL-WN821N - Wireless N USB-Adapter, 15 euro's. All my problems are gone...3msec ping. Great..
Cubase 11, Windows 10/
Intel I7 4930K @3.4Ghz/
multiple RME hammerfall cards
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Re: connection issues

Post by jbgeluid »

Cubase 11, Windows 10/
Intel I7 4930K @3.4Ghz/
multiple RME hammerfall cards
Controllers: Ipad2/16gb, Lemur, BCR2000
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