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Lemur crashes when setting knob to Bipolar
Posted: 07 Jan 2013 20:38
by 0ct1v
Lemur won't allow me to set knob object to bipolar behaviour, just crashes. Only allows endless rotary behaviour as well as default.
NB this occurs within editor (nothing else connected) Anyone else witnessed this behaviour? Any suggestions?
Win 7 Q.core i7/iPad V1 latest Lemur V4.0.1 on both.
Re: Lemur crashes when setting knob to Bipolar
Posted: 07 Jan 2013 20:48
by Softcore
Its a known bug soon to be fixed (devs are aware of it) - switch to classic skin and close editor. A moderator has also mentioned disabling the "always use project skin" option but I dont think you need to. Re-open editor (make sure classic skin is enabled) and you are good to go!

Re: Lemur crashes when setting knob to Bipolar
Posted: 07 Jan 2013 23:56
by 0ct1v
Hi softcore, thanks for quick reply. I followed your advice, my findings thus far:-
I now have iPad V1 running ios5.1.1 and iPad V2 running ios6.0.1 both running latest Lemur in front of me. I also have two laptops running older/newest PC editing software.
The latest Lemur editing software installed on PC crashes when I select bipolar mode on 'knob' object.
I have an older version of Lemur editor installed on another PC and this DOES allow me to create knob with bipolar behaviour.
I can use native iPad Lemur editor on both iPads to create knob with bipolar behaviour.
Re: Lemur crashes when setting knob to Bipolar
Posted: 08 Jan 2013 14:26
by Softcore
Uh! I wasnt clear enough in my reply! It concerns the "bipolar" crashing NOT the mass-spring physics not working.

Re: Lemur crashes when setting knob to Bipolar
Posted: 09 Jan 2013 21:19
by 0ct1v
@Softcore: Your post was clear, I confused the threads

Re: Lemur crashes when setting knob to Bipolar
Posted: 16 Feb 2013 19:50
by Traxus
Intresting note, I tried going into the raw code for the .jzml file and changing the "type" attribute to 1, and then re loading the jzml in the editor, and that creates an instant crash as well.
Editor is very unhappy with biploar mode.