Logic Surround Pan?
Posted: 07 Jan 2013 07:44
I've been struggling with Lemur's Logic Surround Pan module, as I've gotten some hard time trying to make the parameters and values meet in a correct way: So far everything's okay, but there's a 180° difference between my finger position and Logic's surround position.
Both the distance and the final angle seem to be working, but putting my finger onto (iPad) Lemur's upper right corner puts Logic's pan position into lower left corner. Moving my finger clockwise moves the Logic's position clockwise, too, but with a constant 180° difference.
I'm afraid this is a bit too much for my mathematics.
Distance in Lemur is now connected to Logic's Surround Pan's Diversity parameter: 2*clamp(norm(x-0.5, y-0.5), 0, 0.5), and Lemur's final_angle is naturally connected to Logic's Angle: (a+(a<=0)*pi+(a>0)*2*(pi-a))/(2*pi) - - - Note: "a" being angle(x-0.5, y-0.5)
Since we've gone into RAD world instead of DEG with a=angle stuff, there's a difference worth of a PI somewhere, methinks. Easy peasy for some more cunning math linquist.
The easiest way to fix this would be to turn my iPad 180 degrees, but physically it becomes a bit difficult due to power plug and my desk space... and the problem escalates from there. I'm putting my faith on the community now - if people managed to get three astronauts back alive in Apollo 13 and they managed to send a tweeting robot to Mars, this should be a piece of a ca- sorry, PI.
I've been struggling with Lemur's Logic Surround Pan module, as I've gotten some hard time trying to make the parameters and values meet in a correct way: So far everything's okay, but there's a 180° difference between my finger position and Logic's surround position.
Both the distance and the final angle seem to be working, but putting my finger onto (iPad) Lemur's upper right corner puts Logic's pan position into lower left corner. Moving my finger clockwise moves the Logic's position clockwise, too, but with a constant 180° difference.
I'm afraid this is a bit too much for my mathematics.
Distance in Lemur is now connected to Logic's Surround Pan's Diversity parameter: 2*clamp(norm(x-0.5, y-0.5), 0, 0.5), and Lemur's final_angle is naturally connected to Logic's Angle: (a+(a<=0)*pi+(a>0)*2*(pi-a))/(2*pi) - - - Note: "a" being angle(x-0.5, y-0.5)
Since we've gone into RAD world instead of DEG with a=angle stuff, there's a difference worth of a PI somewhere, methinks. Easy peasy for some more cunning math linquist.
The easiest way to fix this would be to turn my iPad 180 degrees, but physically it becomes a bit difficult due to power plug and my desk space... and the problem escalates from there. I'm putting my faith on the community now - if people managed to get three astronauts back alive in Apollo 13 and they managed to send a tweeting robot to Mars, this should be a piece of a ca- sorry, PI.