iPad to Win7 ad hoc does not work

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iPad to Win7 ad hoc does not work

Post by Audio »

After purchasing Lemur I tried to connect to Win7 and had no success. Knowing that i had an old out of date network card in my desktop, i replaced it and was successful! All seemed good until the computer was rebooted the next day. Then the same issue returned. "Can not connect to network blablabla."

No mater if I turn the wep on or off it does not matter.

After much searching of the net and this forum, I am completely frustrated. I have now discovered that iOs has a known issue with ad hoc connections. REALLY!?! Doesn't that completely defeat the usefulness of Lemur? Did I just spend $50 on a useless software package?

I have an iPad 3 I'm trying to connect to Windows 7 home addition. I have several computers in the house all running Win 7 and iOS refuses to connect to ad hoc connections on all of them. I have tried turning all firewalls off. I have tried rebooting all devises. I have made sure the network adapters are working correctly.

I read that some folks have had success with creating a static IP address connection via ad hoc but is is not an option in the Win7 networking options.

Is there anyone out there that can help me out? Thanks in advance.
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Re: iPad to Win7 ad hoc does not work

Post by Softcore »

Hello! Keep calm and dont get upset! Im currently using Lemur with TWO Windows machines, one Win 7 32bit and one Win 7 64bit - both succesfully.

First, you need to set up static IPs and contrary to what you believe, it is posible....

To find the settings (on Windows side) you have to find the "adapter settings" (network and sharing -> change adapter settings -> choose your network -> right click -> properties -> select "Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP/IP v4) -> click on "properties" button

Now there, be cautious not to change the default settings as this will cause your computer to stop connecting to the Internet when desired. Instead use the "alternate settings" and insert the IP - subnet mask settings there.

(the names of windows and properties may appear slightly different - Im only making guesses as Im using a localized language on my Windows machines

Second AND VERY IMPORTANT, for some reason the connection with the iPad is very inconsistent if you have connected to the Internet beforehand - I believe this has something to do with the fact that we set up "secondary - alternate" settings in the steps above. So to recap, if you boot your windows machine, connect to the internet (via your router) and then you want to connect to your ad-hoc network (iPad - Lemur) its best if you restart your computer.
I know it sounds cumbersome, but frankly, with my laptop-gig machine, if Im going to perform live I dont connect to the internet beforehand - I connect to ad hoc first thing and everything works perfectly, consistently and with no problems. ;)
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Re: iPad to Win7 ad hoc does not work

Post by Audio »

Thank you so much. I'll try your suggestions ASAP and report back. I've had a few hours away from the devices in question so I'm in a much better mood now :D

Thanks again!
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Re: iPad to Win7 ad hoc does not work

Post by Audio »

I tried you suggestion and am still having the same problem

Steps followed.

1. Set up alternate static IP of on windows side under tcp/ip v4 with a subnet of
2. reboot computer with wireless adapter set to NOT auto-connect to the internet gateway router.
3. Build ad hoc connection as described in tutorial through the network and sharing center
4. Choose ad hoc connection on ipad after setting the IP of with a subnet of

I did notice that the ad hoc WPA Personal security key I chose "11111111" (which I had set to be able to view the letters) was not represented properly when the final screen showed up

I saw:
"lemur network is ready to use... ect"

Wireless network name: lemur
Network security key:******

notice the 6 dots for the key where I had chosen a total of eight 1's typed 11111111

This makes me wonder if there isn't another issue at play here. I noticed the same thing on one of my laptops too. Any further ideas?
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Re: iPad to Win7 ad hoc does not work

Post by Softcore »

I think I have read somewhere that noone has managed to create ad hoc on Windows succesfully with WPA encryption. Try with no encryption at all first, just to be sure that you indeed can have a consistent connection - I personally use WEP not WPA! ;)
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Re: iPad to Win7 ad hoc does not work

Post by Audio »

It does not connect with out security. The iPad indicates it is connected with only an ip and subnet showing. On the computer side it shows an ip and subnet but not network connection under ipv4.

It does the exact same thing with WEP. I'm at a total loss.
Joe Soap
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Re: iPad to Win7 ad hoc does not work

Post by Joe Soap »

Try changing the subnet mask to

And definitely no WPA2 between Win 7 and iOS(n?) - though I've confirmed that the **** sandwich that is WEP does work. Which is trivial to bypass, so it's debatable whether it provides any protection against intrusion except against the most casual would-be ingress.

On the subject of improving (security, performance / latency) matters . . . does anyone here present have any experience with rolling back iOS from 6.01 (or whatever) to iOS 5? Getting a 3**4 error (not precise, because I didn't note it down - but it's one of the errors that point to non-timely contact to Apple's auth servers).
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Re: iPad to Win7 ad hoc does not work

Post by Audio »

Well, I gave up on ad hoc connections tonight. I tried everything suggested here as well as suggestions from other sources. I'm at a total loss. I should also mention that I have a background in network trouble shooting for what ever it's worth.

I finally just connected directly with through my wireless router and said the hell with it. It works great with no noticeable glitches as far as I can tell. Now maybe I can get on with building a template for my Johnson JCM 150 and my XP-80.

Thanks for all the help anyway guys. Hopefully Apple will address the issue in an upcoming iOS update.
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Re: iPad to Win7 ad hoc does not work

Post by 73rd »

I was having very similar issues. From my understanding it has to do with iOS devices 'needing' an internet connection to properly connect over wifi, team this with the following (taken from Windows Help and Support):

ICS (Internet Connection Sharing) and ad hoc networks: If you share your internet connection on an ad hoc network, ICS will be diabled if:
- You disconnect from the ad hoc network
- You create a new ad hoc network without disconnecting from the ad hoc network for which you enabled ICS
- You log off and then log back on (without disconnecting from the ad hoc network)

And obviously it leaves us in a situation where if we do not follow the appropriate steps (pretty much amounting to recreating a new ad hoc network) everytime our iOS device disconnects from the network (which may occur frequently for legitimate reasons) things just are not going to work....

The first time I created an ad hoc network on my Windows 7 desktop, everything worked properly, subsequently I've never been able to reproduce these results...

My current solution is to use Connectify Hotspot (or similar) to make a wifi network on my Windows 7 desktop. With that I've been successful at connecting both my iPad2 and MBP to said network and was able to get a proper connection with the Lemur Daemon on both computers. With that said, I haven't gotten the appropriate responsiveness from said connections that I would desire, but that was using TouchOSC to control TotalMix FX on my Win7 PC (it would just sometimes take a while to respond, as if there was a network bottle neck) and I still have to delve deeper into using Lemur on said network.
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