Template: 8 Thor-Sequencers for Reason 0.9
Posted: 28 Nov 2012 11:05
Over the last week i started to built a Lemur template for the Thor Sequencer. But it is not meant to be a Map for a single Sequencer. In the end i want to have 16or more Sequencers distributed over two interfaces with running lights and all the shizznizz.
The Interface for the first 8 rows is done so i figured i upload it.
So the thing works as follows:
In the zip Thor8Sequencer you finde the Lemur template as a .jzml file and two folders for the remote files "Map" and "luacodecs" which each have subfolders "electrofux".
1.) load the template into lemur and go to the Default interface.
2.) put the folder "electrofux" under Maps into the Reason Map Folder
3.) put the folder "electrofux" under Luacodecs into the Reason luacodecs folder
4.) run Reason and add 8 remote surfaces Thorsequ1 to Thorseq8 and connect them via your Midi-driver of choice to your Ipad -i use loopbe and wifi (the Questions Mark that turns up in the Reason Remote Menu should not be a problem)
5.) load 8 Thors and assign each to one of the 8 remote surfaces
I have included a Reason file where the 8 Thors sit in one Combinator connected each to a OchenK Tuner (not needed though, it should be bypassed when you do't have it) and i have broken out the Gate connections for Note CV, Gate, Curve1 and Curve 2 to another Combinator where the corresponding spiders sit, so you dont have to go through the Thor interface when connecting Synths.
You can however use it for any thor sequencers anywhere aslong as you lock one of the 8 remote surfaces to it.
You can even chain a couple of sequencers to get 64step lines. Or use a matrix or Dr. Rex connected to the Step input cv in Step Mode to add shuffle.
That's it for setup.
Now the template:
You see 8 rows which correspond to 8 Thor Sequencers.
The grey row at the bottom shows the Run button for the 8 Sequencers. But simply hit play and they should all run if the setup was ok and the Thor sequencers were set to loop mode!
The rightmost collumn shows the switches for the slider section for each row.
So hit the first one and the sliders become grass green, hit the second and the sliders become light green and so on.
There are buttons for incrementing and decrementing each slider on top of them.
The red up and down buttons increment decrement all Sliders.
The Grey slider is sort of an endless slider to increment/decrement all. It does not work 100% to my satisfaction because of the bidirectional nature.
The 7 Buttons in the top left (Note to Curve2) switch the sliders of the corresponding row to the different functions in the Thor Sequencer (like Velocity, Gate, Curve1...). And they should get a border to show what function is active. This is a bit buggy atm (sometimes it changes the function in thor but then the border jumps back- just hit it again so you don't get confused.
The Steps button works different. When you hit it it becomes Red and then the 16 "up" buttons above the sliders represent the last step for the sequence. So hit one and the sequence length is set. Hit the steps button again and it should become white again and the up button should revert to their original function.
There are Menu items for the Note Octave Setting and Rate which work bidirectionally. Only the rate Menu doesnt work bidirectionally and it also doesn't feature all possible rates due to size restrictions. To see all the availabe rates hit "big" which increases the size of the slider section.
Copy, copies the current values for the 16 sliders and Paste, well, pastes them.
Slider 127/0/64 and Random sets all sliders to that value.
Thats it so far. I am planning on building in a routing structure to get 32/64 steps on a button Press but this is going to be complicated.
But the next interface will feature more rows dedicated to drums. I also want to integrate a buffre and glitch page to have a nice stepsequencing environment in then end.
There might be some bugs, i haven't tested it for a really long time. So if anything comes up i appreciate any feedback.
The Interface for the first 8 rows is done so i figured i upload it.
So the thing works as follows:
In the zip Thor8Sequencer you finde the Lemur template as a .jzml file and two folders for the remote files "Map" and "luacodecs" which each have subfolders "electrofux".
1.) load the template into lemur and go to the Default interface.
2.) put the folder "electrofux" under Maps into the Reason Map Folder
3.) put the folder "electrofux" under Luacodecs into the Reason luacodecs folder
4.) run Reason and add 8 remote surfaces Thorsequ1 to Thorseq8 and connect them via your Midi-driver of choice to your Ipad -i use loopbe and wifi (the Questions Mark that turns up in the Reason Remote Menu should not be a problem)
5.) load 8 Thors and assign each to one of the 8 remote surfaces
I have included a Reason file where the 8 Thors sit in one Combinator connected each to a OchenK Tuner (not needed though, it should be bypassed when you do't have it) and i have broken out the Gate connections for Note CV, Gate, Curve1 and Curve 2 to another Combinator where the corresponding spiders sit, so you dont have to go through the Thor interface when connecting Synths.
You can however use it for any thor sequencers anywhere aslong as you lock one of the 8 remote surfaces to it.
You can even chain a couple of sequencers to get 64step lines. Or use a matrix or Dr. Rex connected to the Step input cv in Step Mode to add shuffle.
That's it for setup.
Now the template:
You see 8 rows which correspond to 8 Thor Sequencers.
The grey row at the bottom shows the Run button for the 8 Sequencers. But simply hit play and they should all run if the setup was ok and the Thor sequencers were set to loop mode!
The rightmost collumn shows the switches for the slider section for each row.
So hit the first one and the sliders become grass green, hit the second and the sliders become light green and so on.
There are buttons for incrementing and decrementing each slider on top of them.
The red up and down buttons increment decrement all Sliders.
The Grey slider is sort of an endless slider to increment/decrement all. It does not work 100% to my satisfaction because of the bidirectional nature.
The 7 Buttons in the top left (Note to Curve2) switch the sliders of the corresponding row to the different functions in the Thor Sequencer (like Velocity, Gate, Curve1...). And they should get a border to show what function is active. This is a bit buggy atm (sometimes it changes the function in thor but then the border jumps back- just hit it again so you don't get confused.
The Steps button works different. When you hit it it becomes Red and then the 16 "up" buttons above the sliders represent the last step for the sequence. So hit one and the sequence length is set. Hit the steps button again and it should become white again and the up button should revert to their original function.
There are Menu items for the Note Octave Setting and Rate which work bidirectionally. Only the rate Menu doesnt work bidirectionally and it also doesn't feature all possible rates due to size restrictions. To see all the availabe rates hit "big" which increases the size of the slider section.
Copy, copies the current values for the 16 sliders and Paste, well, pastes them.
Slider 127/0/64 and Random sets all sliders to that value.
Thats it so far. I am planning on building in a routing structure to get 32/64 steps on a button Press but this is going to be complicated.
But the next interface will feature more rows dedicated to drums. I also want to integrate a buffre and glitch page to have a nice stepsequencing environment in then end.
There might be some bugs, i haven't tested it for a really long time. So if anything comes up i appreciate any feedback.