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Reason Sequencer Sytem Template- need help

Posted: 08 Nov 2012 15:30
by electrofux
I am doing a big template for Reason in combination with Remote codecs and Map to built a Step Sequencer System.
I have put a Screenshot of the first Interface in this Post. It controls 4 Thor Sequencers bidirectionally plus a Note Tuner per Sequencer.
The smaller rows of 16pads show the on/of state and running light. the bigger 16 pads row are the triggers. the slider container changes for the selected sequencer.
ReasonThor.jpg (173.66 KiB) Viewed 974 times

The Sequencers can be easily chained in Reason so the template can control 4 different 16 step-Sequencers or 1 64 Step Sequencer or any

Now while all the Reason Remote stuff already works. I am having some Problems for the Lemur internal logic, mainly Objects controlling Objects.
It is not that i haven't read the manual but i just don't have much experience with Lemur aside from using others templates.
I would like to ask a couple of questions and just use this thread instead of making up new threads everytime i stumble over something.

Atm i am having the following Problem. The SliderAll switch (CustomButton64) should toggle the behaviour of the MultiSlider Ojects in a way that when pressed
moving any of the sliders moves them all.

I tried a couple of scripts on the MultiSliders like this:

on execution x:


This only moves one of the 4 sliders per object and only one time. I can't drag them up or down it only move on click/press. Also tried a while loop but with the same outcome.

The next and hopefully last problem before finnishing the template is as follows:

the step button on the top of the template is also a switch and when set to 1, i want the 16 blue pads to send out a Midi message to set the pattern length for that sequencer (the blue one). Now while sending out the Midi doesn't seem difficult with the midiout(target,msg[]) function but how do i keep the pads from also doing their original function to set steps in the sequencer?


ok one last thing is keycomboout(target,ctrl,alt,shift,key). Can i use this to generate a shift+z click for the undo button?
If yes how do i specify the target. The manual says "defined KbMouse Target", but where do i define this?