NRPN knob for Cubase working but no feedback[solved]

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NRPN knob for Cubase working but no feedback[solved]

Post by jbgeluid »

Hello, I did some research on the forum and found a "design for an NRPN- knob" here; ... ader#p6612

I am actualy looking for a more acurate way to control the selected channel eq (gain and frequency) of Cubase. Cubase does not support pitch bend in the generic remote, and I'm already using Mackie control for faders. I modified the knob in such a way that I can make multiple copys (difficult with the original design). This works realy GREAT, the only downside is, there is no feedback. I can control cubase, but cubase does not update the controller... Can anybody help me out on this?

You can find my modified knob here as a lib file: ... back.jzlib

cubase supports onlly THIS NRPN controller,, max 10 in one remote, so you have to change midichannels to use more controllers.
to change the midichannel use the "outch" expression. (NOT the "outputCHANNEL" expression, this is used in the script...)
if you want to try this in cubase, paste the folowing code into the generic remote:

special here is :"<max>16383> and <flags>19 , you can also change it manualy after you created the controller..
without this Cubase will not recognize NRPN.

I realy hope someone knows how to solve the above issue, would be great.

Last edited by jbgeluid on 16 Oct 2012 15:01, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: NRPN knob for Cubase working but no feedback need some h

Post by Macciza »

If you look back at the thread you quoted you will see there is a version with feedback
You will need to add the cclistener script and associated variables etc
This requires Cubase to actually be sending the MIDI data back as well
Maybe Phil or Jay or some Cubase user can step in with some help
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Re: NRPN knob for Cubase working but no feedback need some h

Post by Phil999 »

like Macciza said, the solution is in the thread you mentioned. Jay (analog604) was so kind and solved this issue for me. Receiving NRPN is in the ccListener script, which only needs a minor modification as indicated in the thread. I didn't advance much with my Diva template because I still have to figure out how to switch scripts on and off, but there has been a post recently that gave me a clue. And for two weeks I've been struggling again with network problems due to iOS 6, and resolved it only last night, so I'm a bit behind and have to catch up.

I'll have a look at your example tonight.
jbgeluid wrote: cubase supports onlly THIS NRPN controller,, max 10 in one remote
not sure what you mean. I've been (and still am) using a BCR2000 controller with Cubase, with almost a hundred of NRPN's in one Generic Remote. You can use as much as you want. And it's true, pitchbend is not possible, we have to go the complicated route.
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Re: NRPN knob for Cubase working but no feedback need some h

Post by jbgeluid »

learnig every day.. got it working here with feedback, I overlooked the solution at the end. Thanks for the help! And about the max 10 NRPN's in cubase: I can't get more then 10 in a remote..I'm doing something wrong I guess...Anyway, at the moment this is not urgent..

Cubase 11, Windows 10/
Intel I7 4930K @3.4Ghz/
multiple RME hammerfall cards
Controllers: Ipad2/16gb, Lemur, BCR2000
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