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iPad not Connecting to adhoc network
Posted: 01 Oct 2012 20:18
by jenz
Hello all!!
I used to be able to connect my iPad to an adhoc network but now my iPad dosen't want to connect... Must I use a specific channel or channel 11(automatic) is fine? Must I secure this connection? My iPad is connecting to the adhioc network but the little wifi icon dosen't appear in the top left corner so Lemur won't connect...
Re: iPad not Connecting to adhoc network
Posted: 02 Oct 2012 04:42
by nick_liine
We're working on this, it seems that iOS 6 breaks some functionality with ad-hoc networks. You must use static (i.e. self-assigned) IPs rather than dynamic (i.e. auto-assigned) IPs. You could also connect through a router if you don't mind the added latency (roughly 200ms instead of 10-15ms).
Re: iPad not Connecting to adhoc network
Posted: 03 Oct 2012 02:48
by jenz
Thanx for the quick response!!! I have tried to establish a static connection but can't work it out... Could you point me in the right direction? I can't work with my home network... Too much latency :0( Could I reinstall iOS 5 for a work around?
Thanx Again!!!
Re: iPad not Connecting to adhoc network
Posted: 03 Oct 2012 12:10
by Phil999
on the iPad, edit the wireless network, and tip 'static'. Now enter IP and submask. Go back to the previous screen and wait a couple of seconds. From then on your iPad will connect to that network with your static address. However, the connection might still be non-functional, especially with Windows machines. It also depends on the security type of the ad-hoc network.
What I found out is that only WEP is possible with Windows 7 and iPad. With WPA2, the iPad won't connect (on a Mac it should work, according to what I've read). WEP was working fine until iOS 6. Now we have to find a solution, but after a week I haven't found any. What I did was I ordered a router. I must regain wireless connection from all my iPads to my LAN, and not only because of Lemur.
Re: iPad not Connecting to adhoc network
Posted: 03 Oct 2012 14:29
by jenz
I have tried it but it dosen't work... I must have miss something... Does my laptop need to use DHCP or DHCP with manual address? I have tried both. Do I need to enter a 40 or 128 bit wep... Tried both... In my iPad, I entered the IP and Subnet Mask that appeared in my TCP/IP tab in the network settings of my laptop. Still searching for a solution... Thanx for youre time.
Re: iPad not Connecting to adhoc network
Posted: 03 Oct 2012 14:47
by Phil999
jenz wrote:In my iPad, I entered the IP and Subnet Mask that appeared in my TCP/IP tab in the network settings of my laptop.
you must use a different IP address on your iPad (only the last number), but the same subnet mask. But still, it it's likely that it won't work. So far I've not heard of one single case where a Windows ad-hoc network works with iOS 6.
Re: iPad not Connecting to adhoc network
Posted: 03 Oct 2012 15:28
by jenz
I'm on a Mac... If let's say my last number
of my ip number on my mac is 123, i must enter 124 on my
Re: iPad not Connecting to adhoc network
Posted: 03 Oct 2012 16:42
by Phil999
yes, and I've heard that it works with WPA2 security settings. Lucky you ...

Re: iPad not Connecting to adhoc network
Posted: 03 Oct 2012 21:11
by jenz
It works but there's a bit more latency than wen
I was able to connect with ios 5...
Thanx for youre time!!!! Really apreciated!
Re: iPad not Connecting to adhoc network
Posted: 17 Oct 2012 08:26
by Uberdrama
I have the same problem with no WiFi icon on my iPad screen. I'm running iOS 6 with latest Lemur update 3.2.2. On my MBP I have Mountain Lion 10.8.2 with Lemur Daemon 3.2.2. After upgrading to iOS 6 I was upset because I found out Lemur is not working anymore. Then the update came out and I finally use it again. The funny thing is I established the connection only once. Nothing changed in my setup still is everything up to date but I can't see my iPad in Daemon. Do you have any suggestion what can be wrong or should I try to use static IP?