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How do you script a "wait"?

Posted: 23 Jul 2012 01:58
by ahonoe
Hi All,

I need to oscout() successive values in an array, waiting a few milliseconds between sending each value. Can anyone suggest how to script this?

Re: How do you script a "wait"?

Posted: 24 Jul 2012 14:03
by Macciza
Remember that Lemur is based on a 'framerate' of 60fps or approx every 16ms.
So you would need to set up a script executing OnFrame that does what you want.
They will have to be sent as individual messages anyway
Why do you need the delays in the osc messages?
What are you trying to do, what are you talking to?
More info needed

Re: How do you script a "wait"?

Posted: 24 Jul 2012 18:40
by ahonoe
Thanks Macciza.

My application sends an array of pad numbers on, and off, to Bidule. Bidule has a limitation that its OSC receiver doesn't send a discreet 0->1->0 trigger for each value received when those values arrive too close together. Essentially it behaves like I'm sending it a chord - multiple simultaneous notes generate a single trigger. So I thought I'd put a small delay between each value being sent and "serialize" the values that Bidule receives to see if it will then generate a trigger for each value.