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Posted: 13 Jul 2012 12:37
by auralsculpture
I have trawled the manual and cannot find a suitable answer to this, despite the RTFM comments scattered throughout this forum. I am creating a simple controller for Steinberg's Loopmash. The performance controls accept a MIDI note on command, as do the preset change buttons.

The problem is that the performance controls are essentially a "held" switch, i.e. they require a MIDI OFF command when the button is released. It is obviously simple to send the Note ON, but how do I send the note OFF? I assumed this requires a midi expression, e.g. Note off, note number, to trigger when x goes from positive to zero,, but no joy.

What is strange is that a pad acting as a note on, a la the manual page 50 only has a note on, not a note off, so I don't understand how this can operate as a keyboard, yet not in this context ...

The various "master keyboards" in the templates all do what I want them to do, but the scripting is too complex for me to follow, as they use a number of velocity and octave variables.

I downloaded an example using switches, but this uses mutually exclusive elements and doesnt help me.

I would really appreciate it if those wonderful people posting templates would comment their scripts, as it would greatly benefit beginners such as myself.


Posted: 14 Jul 2012 00:19
by auralsculpture
So here is my solution to date
it uses two scripts for MIDI note on and off,
x is a note on, velocity scaled to 0 and 0 and with no object target - it just triggers the scripts.

Just seems like there must be a more elegant way to do this


Posted: 14 Jul 2012 03:27
by Macciza
Essentially a NoteOn with velocity of 0 is a Note Off - that is the default implementation.
NoteOff messages are rarely used except in some keyboards which also give noteoff velocity.

Drag a Pad out and set it to Midi 0 as Target , pitch 66, scale 0 to 127
This scales the x value - normally 0-1 - to 0 to 127 as velocity
Press it and it will send NoteOn vel 127 then when released NoteOn vel 0 aka NoteOff

Give that a try it should work unless they specifically want a NoteOff message which I doubt.



Posted: 06 Aug 2012 23:07
by auralsculpture
Macciza wrote:Hi
scale 0 to 127
This scales the x value - normally 0-1 - to 0 to 127 as velocity
Press it and it will send NoteOn vel 127 then when released NoteOn vel 0 aka NoteOff
Thanks it was this bit I'd missed - because I was using the button for something else prior to this!