[beginner] using switches to send Sysex
Posted: 11 Jul 2012 22:26
I'm new to lemur…
I'm currently creating a template to control my Alpha Juno via Sysex…
I've used numerous faders, and everything works great!
I'm trying to use 4 switches (1column, 4 Raw in Radio mode) to control the DCO range, and I'm unable to get it to work…
I'm using trigger x as a value for the sysex, but my switches seems to give x[0..3]
any help will be really appreciated
I've got the same issue with a menu (for the DCO's waveform) which gives me a variable "selection" that I'm unable to use as a value for my sysex…
help appreciated too
I'm new to lemur…
I'm currently creating a template to control my Alpha Juno via Sysex…
I've used numerous faders, and everything works great!
I'm trying to use 4 switches (1column, 4 Raw in Radio mode) to control the DCO range, and I'm unable to get it to work…
I'm using trigger x as a value for the sysex, but my switches seems to give x[0..3]
any help will be really appreciated
I've got the same issue with a menu (for the DCO's waveform) which gives me a variable "selection" that I'm unable to use as a value for my sysex…
help appreciated too