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JazzEditor Frustrating Bugs

Posted: 16 Feb 2012 17:20
by willsanquil
Hi Liine forums,

Been having a hell of a time getting the editor to do what I want.

All that I want to do is to have a container that has multiple tabs, and each tab contains its own scalomat:

So, I create a new interface in a blank project, add a container, add some tabs, put a scalomat in each tab. I basically want each tab to be its own scale - so in this first interface I have 4 tabs - Major, Minor, Minor+, Minor-

I save, load it into ableton and boom - It totally works.

Great! Now to add the other interface pages for the other scales.

Here's where it goes nutty. If I just try to duplicate the interface I made it will rename it 'interface 2' or whatever, but now when I save and load that into ableton I only get one interface page and instead of Major/Minor/Minor+/Minor- I just get one tab for Major.

So duplicating an interface essentially broke my project...

OK so I delete the interface, remake it from scratch and test it along the way and now I have a second interface page with 3 tabs - Minor Penta, Major Penta, Blues Penta and they work.

Now however I want to add a 3rd interface page with Locrian Dorian Aeolian etc scales....but even if I use the exact same process that I used to make the first two interface pages I can't get the module that I put in to work at all.

I create the interface, put in a container, make it tabbed. Save and try in ableton..and I can switch between tabs...but as soon as I add scalomat it 'breaks' again and when I load it into ableton I get one or one less tab than I actually have in the editor, and scalomat loses some of its keys.

I have verified that this problem of 'losing tabs' and breaking the functionality of the modules in those tabs happens with modules besides the scalomat.

I just can't see why in the hell I can do something one time and it works, but then do the *exact same thing* and it works completely differently. If anyone can explain this madness I'd be really appreciative.

I have attached a JZML file that I am using that shows the first two pages of working tabbed containers with scalomat, and the 3rd tab with one tab and a broken scalomat when loaded into live - even though there are 3 tabs in the editor.

Thanks for any help - this has been excruciatingly frustrating to deal with.

Re: JazzEditor Frustrating Bugs

Posted: 16 Feb 2012 23:04
by Macciza
This is known issue re file size discussed at length here
It is due to be fixed in the first update - which is about to be released . . .

The other issue is that simply duplicating other peoples projects multiple times won't always work as expected . . .
In fact, duplicating multiple pages the way you have is a pretty bad/wasteful design approach anyway . . .
It would be better to have one main interface and use a menu to pick different scales on that page instead . . .


Re: JazzEditor Frustrating Bugs

Posted: 17 Feb 2012 00:16
by willsanquil
Duplicating other peoples projects?

I'm making it from scratch....

I tried putting all of the scales on one page but it didn't work with the tabbing - too many tabs and it gets tricky trying to read them - I don't think that's a bad design...

thank you for the link that explains why its happening :)

Re: JazzEditor Frustrating Bugs

Posted: 17 Feb 2012 03:30
by Macciza
Yes - duplicating in the same sense that you used it - making copies of a project . .. . .
Other peoples - in that they are copies of the Scalomat project/module . . .
Re; design and putting it on one page see this thread ... omat#p3613
Whereas Mats original had several save locations Kraftf's edits give 30 odd named scales all using the one main interface . . .
As a design principle it is far better to simply change settings in one interface rather than duplicating the interface several times . . .
The Scalomat interface is about 100k, 30 presets does not add much but 30 copies of the interface makes it over 3Mb . . .

Check out the final Scalomat_Ipad_Midi_mod project in the above thread, it employs this approach - press the 'set' button in top left corner . . .
It would not be too difficult to add several hotswitch presets to the main page if you wanted one-button access, mod control etc etc


Re: JazzEditor Frustrating Bugs

Posted: 17 Feb 2012 12:50
by axel_liine
We're bumping the template size limit to 2MB in upcoming update 3.0.3, and are working on a general better handling of this file size limitation for the update coming after.

Re: JazzEditor Frustrating Bugs

Posted: 17 Feb 2012 18:17
by willsanquil
thanks so much to both of you!