Need Help to Save and Load Presets of Multiple Objects

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Re: Need Help to Save and Load Presets of Multiple Objects

Post by tater01 »

Sounds good man. I'm sure whatever you do will be more than great.
Thanks again!
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Re: Need Help to Save and Load Presets of Multiple Objects

Post by oldgearguy »

ok, here's a mostly commented version with some humanizing thing in there.

I saw that you were turning off MIDI stuff in objects. I think it makes sense for you to go through this and clean up as much of the MIDI side as you can like that.

Once you do that (and play with the current humanizing), post it so that I don't keep undoing your MIDI work. At that point, I'll finish commenting the last couple things and debug any MIDI issues (if they are still there).

Sound like a plan?
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Re: Need Help to Save and Load Presets of Multiple Objects

Post by tater01 »

Sounds more than great!

I've already been cleaning up the midi and osc signals on my whole layout. Really all we need on the stepsequencer page is the midi out of the stepswitch.out. Figured I could just disable all other midi and osc in the entire stepsequencer besides the stepswitch.out. I'll post it back soon! Also, might send the whole layout to you but the forum won't let me cuz the size is too big. So I might pm you a dropbox link to it.

Will definitely try to understand all your comments as I do thirst for knowledge! Thanks for taking the time to educate me master!

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Re: Need Help to Save and Load Presets of Multiple Objects

Post by tater01 »

Ok, really cool humanize feature. Very cool!
It works the way I think it should, but I did find a small issue. The velocity fader has no effect on the stepswitches until you touch the humanize slider. So you can slide velocity all day, hit play and the velocity won't change. Then if you touch the corresponding humanize slider, then the velocity change takes effect. Would be nice if the velocity slider affected it first, no matter what. No big deal though, just have to remember to touch humanize fader first to make velocity change stick.

Also, turned off all midi and osc messages. So no more junk midi being sent, it was the clock reset button. All is working fine in this version I am uploading now:
Midi Gone
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BUT (Sorry again), I have an issue when I add it to the rest of my layout. Once I copy/paste or export/import the stepsequencer into the rest of the layout it corrupts the SetAmount script under the HumanizeFaders. I imagine its because the expressions declared at the container level. I looked through to try and see which of the expressions at the container level aren't identical but I couldn't tell. I'll pm you the link to the whole layout so maybe you can take a look and fix it easily while I keep trying to look and figure out which expression probably needs to be at the project level.

Thanks again!
And don't laugh at my giant layout! Haha! I made a button for every single button in Reaper and then some! Also, copied other people's stuff like the LFO generator and Lexicon MX reverb controller which I happen to have!
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Re: Need Help to Save and Load Presets of Multiple Objects

Post by oldgearguy »

yeah I saw that dependency (velocity/humanize). I can fix that. I will look at the entire template and see what's up
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Re: Need Help to Save and Load Presets of Multiple Objects

Post by oldgearguy »

for the folks playing at home, here's a version that fixes the velocity/humanize interaction.

As a bonus, I finished commenting the code in this version.

tater01 - your large master copy is in a private message. If you want to grab the comments from this one and paste them there, that will work.

The reason the big version was broken was that something else used the abbreviation min for minutes as a global variable.
Unfortunately this overrides Lemur's internal math function named min() so when I tried to take the min() of 2 values, it had no idea what I was trying to do. Once I changed the global min to minutes, everything was fine.

Why Lemur let you redefine an internal function is beyond me, but that's part of the fun with Lemur..
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Re: Need Help to Save and Load Presets of Multiple Objects

Post by tater01 »

Just wanted to say thank you for all your work.
I'm doing some final tweaking and testing and I'll post back in a couple days.

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Re: Need Help to Save and Load Presets of Multiple Objects

Post by tater01 »

I didn't forget about you old gear buddy. Can't thank you enough for what you coded for me.

I've been doing some heavier testing on it and I'm not really satisfied with the lag. A lot of the midi notes are being dropped. So, I've been doing a lot of thinking and tweaking. I would have to say it is either my network configuration. I hate how ISPs now give you a router built in to the modem. Then when you hook up another router the piggybacking and port forwarding. So, needless to say an ad hoc connection might work better, but I really don't want to waste money for a crappy wifi adapter in my desktop. Also, my old crappy Galaxy Tab 2 might have something to do with it, its pretty damn old nowadays. So, I have an iRig Midi adapter and am going to get a ipad in the next few weeks. So, I am going to test it out wired and let you know what happens.

In the mean time if you would like to help me make an easy endless rotary knob work for Reaper, I posted another quick easy topic here:

Thanks again a zillion times!
Happy Holidays Everyone!
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Re: Need Help to Save and Load Presets of Multiple Objects

Post by oldgearguy »

A few things might also be contributing to the timing issues (try using a slow BPM and see if the timing gets better)
There's a number of sequencer lines playing at once and there's all the humanization code and other operations going on.
I know other folks have expressed their disappointment in other threads about the relatively poor timing of the Step objects (dig around other threads looking for discussions and possible mitigations).
There's also (as you pointed out) possible network issues. If you have any hardware that can handle the messages, try hooking it up directly to the Galaxy Tab and see if it plays in sync better.

As far as the endless encoder sending0 or 1, you said there were solutions for MIDI but not OSC. It might be faster if you posted one of the MIDI ones that was close to what you want so folks could change it for OSC messages rather than coming up with it from scratch.
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Re: Need Help to Save and Load Presets of Multiple Objects

Post by tater01 »

Hello again old buddy!

Yes, I tried lots of network tweaking. I have the network setup as good as can get. I have two way osc and midi communication. And yes I have most of the hardware to wire it and test it out wired. So, just waiting on an iPad. Coming soon, and I need to resize it and all that jazz. I'll post back the results in a few weeks!

And I updated the other post with an example!

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