Just re-reading Martin's thread here and was going to post a new sysex processing topic, but this one covers the problems I've had within the past few days on a Dave Smith Mopho.
I've been trying to decode a sysex edit buffer and I've run into the problem of
inconsistent sizes sysex F0 return array sizes of 53 to 62, should be 298 after every edit buffer request at least to Mopho)
So to continue developing the code, I've created test arrays to for sysex decoding script and
like everyone else, I can't create a test array > 256
@Liine will the array max size be increased to at least 512 or much more as Macciza hopes for?
The "On MID/F0 System Exclusive" script/function execution could then process the argument array with hopefully the max number of buffer bytes that iPad core MIDI allows.
This would be great because then we can perform serious Sysex processing!
Anyway, good stuff.. I don't have much to offer at the moment because the code is broken given the current 3.02 limits, but
will post my sysex decoding script for DSI Mopho in another thread once it works.
@Macciza thanks again I've also been putting to use some of your suggested subarray techniques to build the code.
Thanks guys great info.
Macciza wrote:LMO wrote:Any feeling for how much the 127 byte limit may be increased? I have some rather large (well over 2k) messages to deal with.
I am hoping for standard arrays of at least 1k and really need MIDI_ARGS to be able to deal with up to 8k from which I can subarray . . .