Ive contacted Liine support by email. but they're giving me no reply. Therefore, unfortunately, it appears I am not permitted to give the files to the community, upload to the user library etc.
It would take too long to explain how to create the "chains access" and "auto device select" functionality (took around 1 month to build and uses the new Javascript Liveapi). However, since Max is an open system for editing, I can suggest how you might go about fixing your own Mu to work with Max 6 and therefore Live 9. Its a very easy fix and doesnt take long (5 mins).
[*]If you have purchased the full version of Max - Open "Mu.path.maxpat" (inside your /Abstractions/Mu/ folder) to edit it.
[*]If you dont own the full version of Max, you wont be able to edit the file directly, so you will need to do it inside Live, by opening the .amxd device in edit mode. Then doubleclick on the objects "View µ code", "p devices", "Mu.deviceeditor /deviceA" , "p_devicename_to_jzlibPath" and finally "Mu.path" Also "Mu.path" will open in read-only mode (you may see the padlock in the left hand corner greyed out, or a strange pen-tool). In order to edit it you will need to go to, "File/Modify Read-Only" in your toolbar.
Delete everything inside Mu.path apart from the brown inlet box at the top and the green outlet box at the bottom. If you can't edit anything it means you are not in edit mode, so press CMD on your keyboard (CTRL if you're on windows) inside the Mu.path patcher and left click anywhere inside the patcher. Now you should be able to move objects around, edit etc.
Create the following objects: (all of these are just plain objects, except for the message box, which is noted beneath, all are connected on the left-hand outlet/inlet, unless specified otherwise)
(Mu.path.maxpat) <- messagebox
[regexp (.*\\/)(.*)]
[zl ecils 1] <- 2nd outlet from above regexp, goes into 1st inlet of zl ecils
[regexp (.*)(Abstractions/)]
[zl slice] <- 2nd outlet from above regexp, goes into 1st inlet of zl slice
Finally connect left output of zl slice, to a patcher "outlet", this looks like a green square object with an O inside it.
Go to "File/Save", to Save the Mu.path patcher.
Now your Mu should work and load the devices properly.
If it's not working, go to your Mu.amxd, DONT open it in max edit mode. Instead, doubleclick on the interface, the objects "View µ code", "p devices", "Mu.deviceeditor /deviceA" , "p_devicename_to_jzlibPath" and finally "Mu.path" to check whether it is loading the changes you have made correctly (sometimes there are weird problems where max stores the old patcher, instead of using the new one you edited). If it is still using the old patcher, try to make the changes again, saving the Mu.path patcher, while you're inside it. It's important to save the Mu.path itself (and not the Mu.amxd) because this is a standalone patcher file that gets included within the parent amxd. The way I sometimes resolve these problems is to save the Mu.path patcher and then make a slight change in Mu.amxd (like moving an object one pixel to the left) and saving the Mu.amxd, basically saving both the Mu.path and the Mu.amxd
If it's still not working, you could connect the uppermost inlet (the brown square box with an "i" in it), to the left hand inlet of the messagebox, containing "Mu.path.maxpat" . This will ensure a bang message is sent to the messagebox, thereby outputting the relevant path, when Mu needs it. Mine works just fine without this.
The previous way of getting the path used the following objects and caused Mu not to work after Max v6 and therefore Live 9 (because it requires Max 6). I suspect that the "t path" object was the culprit here, going into "thispatcher".
For your reference, here is the previous way Mu.path.maxpat used:
[inlet] [loadbang] <- both connected to "t path" object beneath.
[t path]
[tosymbol] <- connected to right outlet of above this patcher
[regexp (.*)(Abstractions/)]
[zl slice 1] <- connected to 2nd outlet of above regexp
Anyway, good luck with it. Sorry, I can't share the other changes. I'm loving Mu. Ive been using this for weeks now and my workflow when making music has been greatly improved by this wonderful toy
Happy music making!