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Re: Second tap keep button on!! How to do it??
Posted: 12 Oct 2014 06:41
by Softcore
Here is an example to showcase what I mean!
They key difference to using switches here, is that even when a PAD is displayed as "on" it STILL re-sends its midi message when pressed.
Re: Second tap keep button on!! How to do it??
Posted: 12 Oct 2014 14:43
by metamorfosis18
Thanks for your help everyone. Softcore I will check your example with pads in the next few minutes. I have been using buttons, please check my work in progress file that I attached.
Thanks man!
Re: Second tap keep button on!! How to do it??
Posted: 12 Oct 2014 18:41
by metamorfosis18
Ok Softcore I took a look at that example with pads and that's exactly what I am looking for, but...
did you check the file I uploaded in the previous post?
Can I accomplish something like what you did with the pads, but implement it in my little project using buttons like I did.
The idea is that when I press the button it goes to its OFF position, even showing the "Style off" text or graphic, but when I release it, it should spring back to its ON position, but if I press another button, then it goes to its OFF position and stays there.
Is this hard to do with some scripting? or Just plain impossible?

Re: Second tap keep button on!! How to do it??
Posted: 13 Oct 2014 15:54
by metamorfosis18
Here is an updated version, still with buttons. Please check it out whenever you get a chance.
Thanks again!
Re: Second tap keep button on!! How to do it?? *SOLVED*
Posted: 17 Oct 2014 13:47
by metamorfosis18
Finally working.......Everything is possible!!! I want to thank Softcore for taking the time to work out a solution for what I wanted to accomplish.
Your help is really appreciated!!!
I am attaching the working file here, in case anyone wants to do this. This is of course custom made for my needs and the way I use Ableton, but it provides and example to using buttons this way.
Remember that there is an easier way to do this with pads, the way Softcore did it and shared example in a previous post here. But if you insist... (like me!) in doing it with custom buttons for whatever reason, then, here is a way to do it, kindly provided by Softcore
Thanks again Softcore for your willingness to help, may God bless you!!
Re: Second tap keep button on!! How to do it??
Posted: 17 Oct 2014 14:38
by Softcore
Well I always say, everything is possible with Lemur!
Glad I could help!