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Re: TwistedTools Morph Board

Posted: 11 Jul 2014 09:29
by lABl

In reponse to knobs, thanks, good to know, I have not checked them since time ago, 1 year or so I would say, because don't use them often.

Hope you had a good time at the festival, see you at Torrevieja next time :D

Cheers man,

Re: TwistedTools Morph Board

Posted: 13 Jul 2014 15:38
by JES
Hi Folks,

First, this is brilliant and incredibly useful and I am very grateful and a Lemur newbie.

Second, I wonder if, in addition to multiple pages, there would be a way to control the morph through an X-Y grid (or even a multi ball) so that you could morph between 4 (or more) presets on an X-Y axis. I'm not near there yet in my coding skills but it looks theoretically possible.

Re: TwistedTools Morph Board

Posted: 13 Jul 2014 17:42
by Joe Soap
Hey Antonio - yeah, Prima was great . . . though it's gotten very big these days, I'd estimate > 100,000 people this year :o.

Yep, definitely gonna do Torrevieja - no idea yet as to exactly when, though.

X / Y morphing would be very useful indeed!

Re: TwistedTools Morph Board

Posted: 14 Jul 2014 06:03
by lABl
JES wrote:Hi Folks,

First, this is brilliant and incredibly useful and I am very grateful and a Lemur newbie.

Second, I wonder if, in addition to multiple pages, there would be a way to control the morph through an X-Y grid (or even a multi ball) so that you could morph between 4 (or more) presets on an X-Y axis. I'm not near there yet in my coding skills but it looks theoretically possible.
Hi JES, thanks, glad you like it.

Yes, def XY morph is interesting and I have this already in mind for future updates, I have a module to do this so should be easy to implement it on Moprh Board, or maybe to have two versions, uni and 2D morph.


Re: TwistedTools Morph Board

Posted: 14 Jul 2014 06:08
by lABl
Cool man!

let me know if you visit torrevieja, should be funny :)

Agree about of X/Y morphing too.

Joe Soap wrote:Hey Antonio - yeah, Prima was great . . . though it's gotten very big these days, I'd estimate > 100,000 people this year :o.

Yep, definitely gonna do Torrevieja - no idea yet as to exactly when, though.

X / Y morphing would be very useful indeed!

Re: TwistedTools Morph Board

Posted: 29 Jul 2014 01:37
by vav
Funnily enough, it was pent up desire for this sort of morphing interface that finally got me to buy an iPad and start using Lemur.

I ran across audiomulch's version of XY morphing, the "metasurface", a while back.Ever since I regularly wake panicked and adrenalized from nightmares in which agonizing audio presets are chasing me through desert canyons. :twisted:

Anyway, audiomulch has kind of a neat interface for this, and even wrote a semi-academic paper about it. So figured I'd drop some links into this thread:

Applying Natural Neighbour Interpolation to Two-to-Many Mapping

Using the metasurface
Controlling the metasurface with MIDI

Can hardly wait to see what AB's artistry produces, and the rest of this fine community . . .

Re: TwistedTools Morph Board

Posted: 30 Oct 2014 14:14
by lABl
Hi vav

Sorry my late reply,

Audiomulch's metasurface is brillant! I've tried the demo time ago and Ispent most the time there morphing grm tools plugins , addictive stuff :=)

I would like to buy a license soon to experiment with lemur.

take care,

Re: TwistedTools Morph Board

Posted: 31 Oct 2014 11:02
by Macciza
Glad you did
The linked per reminded me how much I loved playing with overSYTE back in the day ...
I actually kinda knew, met, work-associated with Ross back then in my uni days when AM was PC only ...
Might have to chase up a copy and have a play with it all again ...

Not sure whether I could do the whole nearest a-neighbour topological approach. ...
But maybe a gravity/attraction approach would work for purely round morph objects, would work well in square x,y setup ..
Might morph one of my projects that way and see what comes of it ...

Re: TwistedTools Morph Board

Posted: 31 Oct 2014 15:40
by lABl
Def, I want to buy am to support Ross's work, because I personally loved AM concept, I've been waiting OSC support, I read the am forums occasionally to see if there is any new about osc, but maybe I buy it anyways, it deserves the investment though.

I have already almost a finished project, not exactly like Metasurface though, but just discovered the canvas radial bug and I've stop working on it , I would like to finish the project this weekend.
