I've spent a couple of days trying to get Mu to run on my iPad but still no luck. I've followed the steps exactly like the instructions, youtube etc without success.
Can anyone confirm if Mu is only compatible with Live 8.2.6 as I am running Live 8.3.3 on Max OSX 10.6.8, trial version of Max4Live 5.1.9, iPad 3 with Lemur 4.
Any advise would be much appreciated as this is going my head in and if it's not compatible can anyone recommend an alternative template?
It certainly works with Live 8.3 /OSX 10.6.8 though it's been around far longer . ..
You need to provide more info of what your problem is.
Basically it sounds like you don't have it set up properly (obviously)
Can you load the project? Are you using a demo Mu set or trying to make your own?
Does it load but not run? Does it run but have issues? What is your OSC setup? etc etc etc
An alternative may be LiveControl2 which will be released early next year.
Thanks for your reply Macciza... sorry I should have provided more info on my initial post.
I've downloaded Mu and installed the expanded Mu 1.2 folder within Cycling '74 folder.
I've created a network connection between my macbook and ipad as per your ad-hoc wi-fi video tutorial. Opened Ableton and dragged the mu.amxd file to the master channel which loads. The issue is that the audio device has "lemur not found". I've try rescanning and reloading template but I get a message within a black square box stating "Sending Template Failed. Is Lemur Editor running?", which it isn't.
I know the process is different but I don't have any issues connecting with RheyneJammer via adhoc and lemur daemon.