Hey everyone new user here for the lemur
what are the limits as far as the numbers of containers and the number of objects in containers
i have an ipad v1 but will soon be getting the new one if that matters
Container limits?
Re: Container limits?
Im not sure but I think the only limit is the memory of the device itself. My main, big project has 7 pages and at least 20 containers - in one of the pages alone there are 8 containers with around 25 objects in each one. Memory usage display in editor shows about 43% and everything works fine-as expected and very responsively.
Re: Container limits?
judging by your example i think i'm fine
i am thinking of many multi-balls controlling many eqs, reverbs, delays, sends and other plugins in live

i am thinking of many multi-balls controlling many eqs, reverbs, delays, sends and other plugins in live
Re: Container limits?
Hear ya - its perfect for that kind of stuff! Also check out the manual on scripting things like show(object, state) and selecttab(object, tabindex). These come in very useful when you want to "hide" elements of your surface and re-appear with the pushes of buttons - or to create pseudo-pop up windows with more controls (thats why I have many containers). 
Also another great great thing is the "capture" thing. Say you want to control the EQ and the reverb of a track and these have been placed inside two tabs of a container. You touch the multiball of EQ, then switch tab to reverb but your initial touch-finger still controls (untill it leaves the screen) the initial EQ multiball even though its now hidden. This comes in very very handy!

Also another great great thing is the "capture" thing. Say you want to control the EQ and the reverb of a track and these have been placed inside two tabs of a container. You touch the multiball of EQ, then switch tab to reverb but your initial touch-finger still controls (untill it leaves the screen) the initial EQ multiball even though its now hidden. This comes in very very handy!

Last edited by Softcore on 20 Dec 2012 07:44, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Container limits?
i have my work cut out for meSoftcore wrote:Hear ya - its perfect for that kind of stuff! Also check out the manual on scripting things like show(object, state) and selecttab(object, tabindex). These come in very useful when you want to "hide" elements of your surface and re-appear with the pushes of buttons - or to create pseudo-pop up windows with more controls (thats why I have many containers).
Also another great great thing is the "capture" thing. Say you want to control the EQ and the reverb of a track and these have been placed inside two tabs of a container. You touch the multiball of EQ, then switch tab to reverb but your initial touch-finger still controls (untill it leaves the screen) the initial EQ multiball. This comes in very very handy!

Re: Container limits?
I have one page that has 32 containers in it, each of those has 4 inside it. I have no idea what the limit is. At one point I organized my project this way.... I don't think I'd do it like this again. But I've had no real issues with there being too many containers.
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- Posts: 153
- Joined: 31 Dec 2011 17:12
Re: Container limits?
I actually used containers as blocks to hide the ugly edges of the pad object. each pad + switch has it's own container, can get a bit messy.