Great to meet a fellow Logic/Lemur user! The more I am on this forum, the more I see how amazing the Lemur community is and I feel fortunate (as should every other Lemur user) to have access to such a wealth of knowledge and help from experienced users.
In regards to my issue, I just want to clarify a couple things - As far as MIDI-IN is concerned, I am currently mapping everything with my Controller Assignments window rather than using the environment. The MIDI going back out to the Lemur sends through the environment, but I do NOT have MIDI going back out for all of my templates for 2 reasons… The first and primary reason being that (as I'm sure you're aware) some softsynths have more than 127 parameters which results in multiple synth parameters outputting an identical CC1 (controller) value, so I therefore can not have the bi-directional control in these cases, unless there is some work around that I just have yet to come by… In addition, I wouldn't be able to map these synths utilizing the environment (as far as I'm aware) because mapping within the Controller Assignments window gives the advantage of its mapping translation being on a 'CC to parameter name' basis, rather than a 'CC to CC' basis. My other reason for not utilizing the bi-directional control, is simply that it is sometimes not necessary.
The presets I am trying to "bang" out are presets that I am loading as AUPresets.... Even if I were to map my templates through the environment, the newly loaded AUPreset values on the GUI would not be physically represented by any objects within the environment.
Do these meta 99 messages ever end up needing to get transformed to an 'absolute' CC2 value at any point or do they simply function as relative messages? When they get converted to CC information, the CC2 data it passes along will just be a relative message? Or do you mean using the meta message to bang the values of the fader objects within the environment out to my Lemur? I am not familiar with this type of message at all, but am really curious to try this out so any further insight you could provide would really be appreciated! Thanks so much for taking the time to respond about this, this is really something I am hopeful to figure out because it will make my Lemur/Logic setup absolutely seamless!fader8 wrote:Assuming you have fader objects in Logic providing the conversion from cc to fader messages, as opposed to transformers, you can bang those faders with a button loaded with meta message 99 set up for increment without rollover. Another button to decrement without rollover.
Also, you mentioning the clicks and ports section has made me curious. Thus far, I have not included it in my workflow but not for any particular reason… Is there something I might be missing out on?! Also, what do you mean about a 'fanout'? Always looking for cool new techniques!