i use SuperCollider as my main sound design environment. in supercollider i use for instance classes as pdefgui and other auto-gui methods to generate a control interface on algoritmes for controlling digital sound synthesis.
is it possible using the OSC-protocol the place and remove control objects in the lemur app? like using the lemur editor: when adding a new interface object in the lemur-editor it is immediately visible in the lemur-app.
it would be interesting using the lemur and i.e. PdefGui, (a sc class for auto generating gui elements), to write some code that also creates a corresponding control interface on the lemur app.
where can i find the messages to remove and add object that lemur editor uses to update control surface in the lemur-app?
many thanx, marinus
SuperCollider lang. to place control objects in lemur app
SuperCollider lang. to place control objects in lemur app
Last edited by marinus on 21 Feb 2012 18:53, edited 2 times in total.
Re: supercollider language to place control object in lemur
Win7 64, Ipad Lemur, Cubase6 and a bunch of Roland Synths and Samplers