Thabks again for your help.mbncp wrote:The idea is the same, if you have a tempo of 100 bpm this means that a beat is played every 0.6 sec (60/100) and as a 1/16 is a quarter of a beat your delay is then 0.15 sec.
The other option is to sync to an external midi clock, in this case you need to watch incoming midi clock values. I made a small template that shows how it works somewhere in this forum. As there are 24 midi ticks per beat, trigger a note every 6 ticks for 1/16 th. Note that this method is not very good due to midi jitter, normally a sequencer will use it's internal clock and adjust smoothly to the incomming midi clocks.
To trigger notes only when you press a button, in the on frame script check the state of your button, if it's value is one then send the note(s), otherwise just leave the procedure. But don't forget to send note off or you may have hanging notes.
I have to get myself a little more clear.
I have aready dane what you suggest regarding the on/switch.
I have ascript running on Frame which sends a midi noteon and off and I have set a delay time set to 60/BPM
value for generating delayed 1/4 notes as long as the pad is held. It is working but the timing of the second is not correct because it is generated according to the fixed xlock of Lemur. How can I extrapolate the internal timing to start from the time I press the button. Tried using new time variables with no success. There should be a similar way to do this like when constructing a sequencer start stop but I can't connect them.
I also don't want to sync to a midi clock.