Memory limit improvement possible?

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Joined: 11 May 2016 05:48

Memory limit improvement possible?

Post by ericzang »

Wondering if expanding/removing the 'memory limit' wiIl be possible in future updates? (or is it already? I have not tried the new version yet). I have to run a very large project and have found that a jzml size of around 4872k (4.8mb), when loaded on to an ipad, becomes truncated and of course causes the jzml to not work properly.

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Re: Memory limit improvement possible?

Post by midikinetics »

Absolutely, and it’s actually one of the first things I looked into improving because I’ve had the same limitation with Composer Tools Pro, one of the "Boutique" controllers. I did try brute-forcing a memory limit increase, but I encountered similar issues, and since most users don’t typically work with projects that large, I decided to hold off on a solution for now because there is no way to know what the appropriate upper bound should be for a typical use case.

If you’d like, feel free to send your project to me through I’d be happy to take a closer look and see if I can increase the limit to accommodate your project. Also, please include which device and OS you are running because the limit could also depend on the speed of the device.
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Re: Memory limit improvement possible?

Post by ericzang »

Thanks much for your reply, good to know this is a recognized issue with a possible fix. Currently I have no immediate problem because I've worked around the issue by not including low priority functionality, replacing old scripts with more concise scripts and using custom functions, using switch or pad arrays instead of multiple custom buttons, using Alias objects whenever possible, using abbreviations, etc...

My current project is 4,755k, so I have about 100k headroom before hitting the approximately 4,872k limit that I found. I experienced this limit on 2-3 different ipads over the years, and actually a more recent ipad (ipad pro I think) seemed to have a somewhat lower memory limit. I don't have those devices with me (this project is for another person) but later I could send the info for the current device the project is used on.

So to make a guess on what memory size would be helpful, (and if larger memory is proportional to some kind of other compromise) I'd figure 6 to 8 mb would be relatively quite good. Thanks very much for checking things out and keeping lemur alive!
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Re: Memory limit improvement possible?

Post by Phil999 »

that would be nice to have a memory limit improvement some day. Like Eric, we usually just delete elements that are not essential, optimise layout and scripts. Which is - in one way - a good thing, to have a memory limit.
Formant+Eurorack, PPG wave 2.2, Korg MS-20, etc., EWI 4000s, QuNeo, etc., Mixbus32c, u-he, MadronaLabs, Samplemodeling, NI, etc., iPad2/4/Pro
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Joined: 11 May 2016 05:48

Re: Memory limit improvement possible?

Post by ericzang »

The ipad currently in use that experiences the problem is:
iPad Air 5th gen
ios 15.6.1

But the problem is certainly not limited to this ipad, it has happened on previous gens also.
Thanks again.
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