it seems to me that Bonjour service discovery is not implemented in Lemur : I can't see any _osc._udp service from Lemur on my network (I do from other apps like… touchOSC or Max).
Am I right?
Is there any hope to see this feature in a future version?
Bonjour discovery?
Re: Bonjour discovery?
I don't have the answer to your question but which application do you use to list Bonjour devices on a network?
Re: Bonjour discovery?
On my good old X.9 Mac, I use Bonjour Browser (http://www.tildesoft.com) for debugging purposes.
I'd like to have Bonjour implemented in Lemur to be able to easily connect MaxMSP to my iP[oa]ds (with the help of Mattijs Kneppers' oscjavaformax library)!
I'd like to have Bonjour implemented in Lemur to be able to easily connect MaxMSP to my iP[oa]ds (with the help of Mattijs Kneppers' oscjavaformax library)!
Re: Bonjour discovery?
Isn't it Bonjour when you set your "target" device name with .local. as suffix ? It works for me from Lemur to Max. I don't send messages backwards however.
Re: Bonjour discovery?
You're right but I wonder about the discovery feature.
When it's implemented, you don't need to know the names of the tablets and services, they will automagically appear in Max (or whatever software).
Here is a menu (create in Max) showing the available OSC services and ports on my local network:
I can see there is Digital Performer on the Mac called MacPro-jms, touchOSC on the iPad called CHPiPad and a service called Mac_CHP on the Mac PAt2 (create in Max and visible from touchOSC's host settings on the iPad). Unfortunately there is no Lemur service visible…
When it's implemented, you don't need to know the names of the tablets and services, they will automagically appear in Max (or whatever software).
Here is a menu (create in Max) showing the available OSC services and ports on my local network:
I can see there is Digital Performer on the Mac called MacPro-jms, touchOSC on the iPad called CHPiPad and a service called Mac_CHP on the Mac PAt2 (create in Max and visible from touchOSC's host settings on the iPad). Unfortunately there is no Lemur service visible…