Is it possible to send a text from Max MSP (name of a sample) to a monitor object in a Lemur by Midi?...
Thank's a lot!...
Text via Midi on Lemur Monitor
Re: Text via Midi on Lemur Monitor
I'm sure it is possible, with MIDI sysex. Myself I never got it right, I always had to rely on other people's Lemur templates.
Formant+Eurorack, PPG wave 2.2, Korg MS-20, etc., EWI 4000s, QuNeo, etc., Mixbus32c, u-he, MadronaLabs, Samplemodeling, NI, etc., iPad2/4/Pro
Re: Text via Midi on Lemur Monitor
If you retrieve the ascii code of every character and put that in a sysex message, you can create a script in Lemur set to OnMidi. Then you can just use the built in arraytostring feature in Lemur.
"Having no silence in music is like having no black or white in a painting" - Brian Eno