I recently updated Lemur from 5.03 to 5.2 and since doing my projects are no longer useable.
Previously all my sequencer templates ran smoothly without any isuues. Ever since the update every single project exhibits random stuttering and glitching.
It sounds like Lemur loses sync to the clock and then catches it again. Sometimes the play lights stop responding too.
Absolutley nothing else has changed except the update. This is the only app on my ipad2 and everything else in my setup is working as it should.
This is so incredibly frustrating and nothing I try - ie re-install of Lemur, reducing scripts, reducing no of objects, reducing number of ports ect has any effect whatsoever.
Apparently there is no way to go back to 5.03 so I am at a total loss here.

Please can anybody offer any insight or advice?
Best wishes from a very depressed Lemur user