Thanks for the kind words. Be sure, that when I was new and knew nothing there were others here helping me out - so no Im not a monster, its just a coincidence - if I wasnt around, someone else would probably answer.
So, anyway....before going any further....lets get some basics down:
Switch object - you press it, it stays on, you press it again it goes off (and so do the midi messages attached to it)
Pad object - you press it, it goes on, you "leave" the screen it goes off (momentary button, and so do the midi messages attached to it)
Custom button - it can be set to behave either as a switch OR as a pad.
So, by your description it looks as if, Pads (or custom buttons configured as Pads) will not be what you are after correct? What I mean is, you want to press a button and STAY ON .... not just send an on message and then go off when you "leave" it....Correct? Keep in mind, Im talking about the related midi messages here, NOT the visual aspect (we ll come to that later)