After a discussion with a fellow Lemur user and his description of a "wacky" dea he had...We created Tap Seq.
Its kind of weird to try to describe what is the usage of a "manual" step sequencer but lets just say it could be mainly thought of as a "helper" for a "busy" performing musician who can trigger a pre-sequenced melody by a simple tapping on the screen or by using a midi controller (foot pedal, etc, etc)
- 16 steps sequencer advancing the steps in normal or right-to-left direction with tapping
- options to transpose sequence by notes or by octave
- legato mode
- tap buttons (left, right, repeat) mappable to external midi messages
-user selectable midi out Lemur target and channel
- randomize options for octaves (with range), note values (within a pre-selected scale/range of notes), velocity
- help screen built-in
-settings page built in
- presets system
The video below showcases the main functions and features
available in user library:
Tap Seq
Re: Tap Seq
Nice work. I'll try it.
Just a question : did you try a multi channel sequencer ?
I tried some programs but i never find a way.... Mmm, yes i'm f***in newbie with the lemur.
Thanks for you tap seq
Just a question : did you try a multi channel sequencer ?
I tried some programs but i never find a way.... Mmm, yes i'm f***in newbie with the lemur.
Thanks for you tap seq

Re: Tap Seq
I actually made an 8 channel CC sequencer if you are interested. It may provide you the basics to build a note sequencer. I didnt bother with drums because at this point, midi over wi-fi is not as reliable as I would want it to be on the time domain to drive my drumming with it.
Here it is:
Here it is: